sure, actually anything could be whoring, you could even play in a server with friends and kill them to get xp for frags, no system is 'whoring-proof'
I'm not sure about what you think is the best way then, we say frags and you say it is bad, we say xp and you say whoring... I'm a bit confused...
About rambos, what do you find on average non-etpro servers?
- raters
- players who play for fun/to kill some time
- players who play for other things than objectives (testing mouse setup, playing for acc/training/damage/whatever, trying to find and kill that player who just insulted them, you name it )
- players who think they play for obj, but they are actually not helping their teams because they don't know how to play for obj.
- players who play for obj and they know how to do it, but wait, obj without stopwatch makes no sense so...
According to you nobody would care anymore about revives, etc. because of Trackbase. Is it realistic? I will keep reviving as usual, and as usual I won't give ammo or packs to people if they can selfkill or if they are going to die in 1 sec anyway.
but, enough blabbering
, do /weaponstats and see the kind of stats you can read from the game, then (taken into account that damage in jaymod is bugged and cannot be used) please suggest a way to calculate a score.