A revolution since the existance of Enemy Territory tracking, it would be best to name it after that
Months and months have been passed for it's development, a war with a lot of resistance from code that just loved to silly our brains was eventually won and therefore we can now present you this new rating method.

As some of you already saw, 'TSP' has been added that is named after the TrackbaseSkillPoints. This new rating feature doesn't just calculates your xp per minute and rates the session on that, it includes hits/kills/engineer/battle sense/revives and more of those things.

Note that you will only get sessions rated on TSP if the server supports it. You can recognise a server when it has K/D support and in the serverlist it'll have a orange number.

If you are a server admin and wish to get your server added to this system, you can send Paul (me) a PM or catch me on xfire for more information and the requirements.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask them!

Some (maybe) questions:
Q Will the old system disappear?
A: No, why not? Because the new system does not run on all servers! It will however be new the new standard, but you can rely on both just as much as you would like.