View Full Version : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

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  1. Dark-Alchemy NQ is Back !!! :)
  2. |SG|Solid Gaming: a newborn ET community!
  3. Dark Sanctuary Recruiting
  4. Ets recruiting
  5. rs radar map
  6. vchat
  7. LBN gaming community are recruiting
  8. Hide and seek event
  9. NEW file data base !!!!!
  10. .FeX| is back!
  11. infected event
  12. Enemy Territory 6v6 Americas Cup
  13. What kinds of ET events would you like to play in?
  14. NEW 2021 CLAN |UF|United Fraggers RECRUITING! (
  15. 4 ET Community Events on Oct 16-17
  16. Let's Be Naked
  17. The clan is looking for players!
  18. Problem with blocked server in statistic on ETB
  19. map Grotli
  20. frankfurt b1 - frankfurt_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  21. maps with their waypoints files
  22. MAP toxic fabric V2 FINALE
  23. Map Villa France Beta 1 and waypoints
  24. Map Secret Bay - secret_bay_et_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
  25. Map goldrush_germany_fixed and waypoints
  26. Map us_radar_b2.pk3 amd waypoints
  27. Map unit_cacheV2.1_final_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
  28. Map Tour2.pk3 and waypoints
  29. Map normandy_final.pk3 and waypoints
  30. Map mohaa_france_tdm.pk3 and waypoints
  31. Map Götterdämmerung.pk3 and waypoints
  32. Map Fasthold_sp1.pk3 and waypoints
  33. Map uje_battersea_b2 .pk3 and waypoints 2023
  34. Map Brundlenburgfixed - Brundlenburg.pk3 and waypoints
  35. Map le_mont_st_michel - lmsm_final.pk3 and waypoints
  36. Map et_tank_beta3.pk3 and waypoints
  37. Map Fox2fixed -fox2.pk3 and waypoints
  38. Map superior_v11.pk3 and waypoints
  39. Map etl_warbell_v3.pk3 and waypoints
  40. Map blitz_final .pk3 and waypoints
  41. map nightcrawlers - nightcrawlers.pk3 and waypoints
  42. Map et_assault_beta4 and waypoints
  43. Map syphonfilter-beta-2.pk3 and waypoints
  44. map lp1_2.pk3 (Pitch Black-Winter) and waypoints
  45. MAP golddays_v4.pk3 and waypoints
  46. Map praetoria_m3.pk3 and waypoints
  47. Map now_beta3.pk3 and waypoints
  48. Map sub2-b2.pk3 and waypoints
  49. Map Rocket2_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  50. Map sot_b2.pk3 (Sands of Time Beta 2) and waypoints
  51. Map ds_bunkers.pk3 and waypoints
  52. Map fragginhart_final.pk3 and waypoints
  53. Map Bunker.pk3 and waypoints
  54. map Tides.pk3 and waypoints
  55. Map Fasthold_sp1.pk3 and waypoints
  56. Map fun_fortress - and waypoints
  57. map energie_v1.1.pk3 and waypoints
  58. Map graverob_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  59. Map decrypted2_b2.pk3 and waypoints
  60. Map facility31_b1.pk3 and waypoints + patch fixed
  61. Map Pantherbase_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  62. Map La_Rochelle Beta 2.pk3 and waypoints
  63. Map op_tower_night.pk3 and waypoints
  64. Map Rovaniemi Farm Beta 2 (rfarm_b2.pk3) and waypoints
  65. Map powcamp_b5.pk3 and waypoints
  66. Map ramelle_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  67. Map breakout_et_b2.pk3 and waypoints
  68. Map cm_funkhaus1.pk3 and waypoints
  69. Map primesquadron.pk3 and waypoints
  70. Map warmup_final.pk3 and waypoints
  71. Map Bramburg Dam Revenge v2 and waypoints
  72. Map barrocas_base_b8 and waypoints
  73. Map breakout_371 and waypoints
  74. Map blackmoon_raid_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  75. Map desertrats.pk3 and waypoints
  76. Map Axis_Flugscheibe_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  77. Map canyon_depths_FINAL.pk3 and waypoints
  78. Map the_port_b1.pk3 and waypoints +fix
  79. Map jff_playground_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  80. Map Mountain Assault Beta (beta_low_mount_ass.pk3 and waypoints )
  81. Map rushers11_b2.pk3 and waypoints
  82. Map townsquare_final.pk3 and waypoints
  83. Map katastrophie_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  84. Map Eisfaust-Festung b2.pk3 and waypoints
  85. Map total_tankrace_beta3.pk3 and waypoints
  86. Map heli_m2_b1.pk3 and waypoints
  87. Map destruction_final.pk3 and waypoints
  88. Map ho_chi_minh_trail.pk3 and waypoints
  89. [map] Grotli winter edition
  90. UJE Maps
  91. [map] Oasi
  92. New map: WSF - Ascenson
  93. dd_frag3 & dd_frag4 Frag maps by Dundee
  94. Change Flag FR in flag EUROPA (only texture visual, not ip)