Yeah, same as above, this site to me is more of a resource site than a place to discuss things, the forums are more for TB related issues, rating etc.

The strange thing is we have people posting on our forums regarding help and advice, two people have posted over the last week regarding server set help, I even get pm's regarding server issues with ETPub and even the Vietnam mod, why they don't post here I don't know.

We are self sufficient with modders and developers so really have no use for these forums but I know if I ever needed any assistance then the likes of Daredevil or Dragon would be able to supply the information I need so I would probably go straight to them and not post, but that's just me.

I'm sure Paul can give you some technical information on traffic statistics which I'm sure will surprise you so as Metla said, the site itself is not dead, I would rather see nothing posted then clans own general chit chat which they can do on their own forums, if there is nothing constructive to post then why bother?

As the game gets older, the player pool gets less and mod developments drop off then there is bound to be less discussions, I don't think that not posting on here is going to kill the game any faster, its just in its natural state of decline.