Hi there TB users!

*dB is back and ACTIVE!

Do you consider yourself as a fragger ? Are you mature ? Do you want to be in a clan with a bunch of nice guys ? Do you think that you have what's needed to become a *dB member ? Apply for *dB, NOW!

You're not really a fragger ? You just enjoy playing ET ? Don't worry, we have a *dB Squad! Are you mature, active and motivated to play with us ? Apply for our *dB Squad!! We don't ask much, skill doesn't matter!!

The following info is ONLY if you apply for the *DB teams, NOT for the squad. If you want to join our squad, see the info below this page at "Contact us"

Recruitment part :

Use a decent language , respect others , give your opinions with correct words , if you talk shit / insult you will get denied immediatly.
Any bad comments from outsiders or clanmembers will be deleted .

# Rules you have to respect !

- General :

You can consider yourself as a fragger if you can get a avg of 100 kills or more, based on a 30 min map (with light weapons )

We don't tolerate cheaters , so don't even think to apply.
2) We only recruit fraggers , people who use a real gun to frag.
3) Xp Whores, Whiners aren't welcome into this clan.
4) You need to respect others, no insults. If not, you're out.
5a) We do not recruit clanhoppers, if you had 5 different clans in the last year, don't even apply.
5b) There's no need to lie. Sooner or later we will discover the truth. If you're a member or not, you will be kicked.
We are an ETPUB clan, we do NOT recruit ETPro players.
7) We are LOOKING for ACTIVE people!
8) We are looking for skilled fraggers who can get at least 10.00 rating.


If you just started to play ET again, after a break, you need to get over 10.00 rating, and 3-4 fresh screenshots to proove you still have skills. If not, your apply will be denied.

- What happends if you apply?

We will ask you some informations and we want all the fields to be completed.
10) We will ask for 3-4 screenshots over 100 kills, if you dont have them don't apply.
11) You must have what we ask in the apply model. If you don't, your apply will be denied or will not count till you fill it out correctly.

We are using a vote system to figure out if it's worth for you to join.

How it works?

Each *dB members has to vote , they will get a PM each time a new apply is created!
You will have to wait untill all active members on our TrackBase list voted. If they didn't vote +1 or -1, you will have to wait !
What are the votes you could see in your apply ?
- +1 Reason (if there is no reason the vote doesnt count).
- -1 Reason (if there is no reason the vote doesnt count).
- +0 (The *dB member doesn't know you and needs to see you play to give an opinion).

Check your application regularly to see who voted. Check who gave you a +0 .
During the first 3-5 days after you applied your mission is to add them on xfire and tell us/post in your apply when you will be available to play. Make sure you get to know the other members and have a nice chat with them. If you do this, you have the chance to get this *dB member to the server where you play and he will check you out. Convince them YOU are the player that we need in the clan!

To get a valid apply, there only has to be +1's or -1's.
As long as there are +0's, you need to wait or try to post recent Trackbase screenshots where you have over 100 kills.
Once there is +/- 75% +1's, you will be trial. We will let you know, just make sure you act nice and show your skills during the game.

A Trial can be kicked anytime. If you're not what we're looking for, we will let you know.

IF you pass your Trial period, 10+ rating, and then go inactive, you will get kicked. We aren't recruiting to get inactive people.

Co-leaders/Global moderators or .Funky*dB, will put the final message, to let you know if you are in or not.

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Contact us:

Homepage: http://devilbat.forumactif.fr/forum
*dB Teams @ http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=claninfo&cidx=604

We hope that you are interested in joining this well known teams.

See you on!


The *dB Teams