As you may already know, im going to finish and release all my started maps, projects, convertions and mods which are lying around since round about 3-4 years. Today im going to release my mod (based on etpub) called "Enemy Territory - Mad Warfare". This project is halted since 1 year and i dont konw if i will ever start developing again (maybe if there are a plenty request):

Download MOD:|Warfare

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Mod Title : Mad Warfare (ET:MWM)
Mod Version : 1.0.0
Created by :|Cambo
based on : etpub (0.9.0) - Revision 372
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Release (date) : October 2011
Next Release : Project halted since October 2010

Source SVN :

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: Modern Weapons (15)
: Modern Skins
: Modern Sounds
: ... and a few features

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: Call of Duty 4 - Weapons/Textures/Sounds
:Soldier of Fortune 3 - Weapons/Textures
:sCenna - for some features (Flashbang, Blood, etc)
:EtPub Developers - for the base/source code
:M|A|D [Community] - Testing and so on ...
... if i forgot someone, please forgive me

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Known Bugs
: Handmodel for Desert Eagle
: Third-Person Model for AKU
: Riflegrenade for Noobtube
: Kick for low hunkmeg-settings
: No MAC-Support
... and maybe a lot more

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greetz Cambo