As announced earlier we are aiming at multiple languages here at Trackbase, we want to provide our users and the community a wide-as-possible selection of languages so they can all use their own languages to browse Trackbase.
We are not only aiming for common languages like French/German but all possible languages to get translated (this can even be Zulu )
You can apply here in the topic as translator, and tell us why you should be chosen (if there are multiple applies on the same language). You need to translate from English to your selected language, we prefer people that actually understand the system as literally translations will look terrible (so no use of google translator, but actual knowledge of the language).
Currently the following languages are already being done:
Spl@$h~ French
Joni Portuguese
Dragon Polish
N3kr0n Estonian
Koiranpentu Finnish
ETC-Clan German, Spanish & Czech
Gabri22 Italian
csl Hebrew
RetroLeaves Dutch
Storm[HUN] Hungarian
Shownie Swedish
Husa Slovenian/Bosnian
Thank you,