Spamming the boards!
first thing , slac is mandatory to play, i dont play scrims without slac since it came out so i wont do it now
second yeh, lets do it next weekend cuz i cannot do it this week, i am very busy this week(not et related),
as for ur conditions that our players should be listen in trackbase list , i gotta tell u that pro* scrim team is managed by me, and 1 or 2 players of the usual lineup from pro scrim team arent in the trackbase list, they aint mercs, they are part of pro* SCRIM team o chose when i was set leader of scrimteam, so if thats a problem we cannot play then.
as for the guy outlaw tbh i never heard if that nub lol, so I dont care, but seems like some have problems with that guy haham, sup with that nerd? , my only condition would be that he has slac number under 9000, that would mean that if he been hacking with slac he would appear in this month slac bust list, , if he has over 10000 probably means he has hacked and he made a new slac id, so then we wouldnt play that guy) lol...
if u want ettv or not , we dont care tbh, u choose that and u would have to arrange that, on a decent server please, uk prefered. ettv servers tend to lag, so u rather get ur server ettv -avi so we ensure no lag.
thats all, and dont expect an answer from me very soon from now cuz i am gonna be busy whole week till friday, so i will be arroudn next friday , if u want , post a date and time here after my post and then i can reply u from my blackberry hahahah, and get in touch my the members,
Here I am!
cmon guys-this is a challenge-you play against my clan? or do we shake now our balls?....you take the scrim or out. im not here to chat. 1 response, more im not interesting.
Here I am!
nice..sunday 06.02.2011-8 pm CET Timezone. IP you get next week-over xfire). ETTV will be ON. SLAC would be ON....
we need SPECS so connect after we will post the ip-(possible 30 min before the scrim start)-check out gamesTV...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by detomaso; 29-01-2011 at 22:58.
Made his way
Our pussy Parker is playing NC or at least if he isnt kicked.
Spamming the boards!
neither me ant1y or exceed cant play on sunday, we will resquedule this next week, sorry for the inconvenience..
Here I am!
ok. no problem. we stay in contact and i will post here a new date...
Whose impressive.nrgy? Don't think that was me
Here I am!
hey torm..do you still have a team?..can we make maybe a train scrim?..the guys are still active every evening after 8pm..
Spamming the boards!
Are you playing with /!\outlaw?
Here I am!
outlaw is not in the clan. we have enough guys to play a scrim..but you papii, are you in Pro?...or my eyes are getting tired reading your apply on CF & FA Forum..
i asked here for a Pro* vs. sBz scrim, not mercs&shit&love storys
Last edited by detomaso; 13-07-2011 at 15:29.
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