I am getting terrible lag! I can hardly play ET!
Check the setting of com_maxfps for starters. Make sure it isn't a low number, it should be at least the 40s or up. Next, try setting cg_drawfps to 1. Look near your kill-counter to see your FPS. If your FPS number is low when you lag, you have CPU based lag. If you have a high FPS number but still lag, it is connection lag. A high ping also determines connection lag, such as 400+, which you can check while pressing tab. Check the cfg section of this forum and try my low graphics cfg to reduce cpu lag.
As for connection lag, try setting these cvars to these values based on your connection:
-----56K Modem-----------
cl_maxpackets "20"
cl_packetdup "0"
snaps "20"
rate "5000"
-----ISDN Single (64K)---------
cl_maxpackets "30"
cl_packetdup "1"
snaps "20"
rate "7000"
---ISDN MultiConection/DSL (128K)---
cl_maxpackets "60"
cl_packetdup "1"
snaps "20"
rate "15000"
----DSL 256K or faster-----
cl_maxpackets "100"
cl_packetdup "1"
snaps "20"
rate "25000"
There isn't much else in game you can do to lower your ping. You would have to have less background internet usage or have less people tapping into the same connection. Maybe you just have a slow Internet Service Provider.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM.
I lost or keep losing my xp and admin levels!
Always save the file named "etkey" found in the etmain folder of your ET directory. This file contains the code called a GUID used to identify who you are when you connect to a server, so that it can give you your xp and admin levels. Email this file to yourself or keep it on a flashdrive so you can restore it any time you need to. If you lost your GUID from something like reinstalling ET, just paste and replace into the etmain folder to insert your etkey if you ever need to.
To get back xp that was lost and you didn't save your etkey, you will have to ask an admin of the server to put xp or admin levels onto your current GUID. Should you do this, make sure to gather up as much proof as possible (screenshots, videos, reliable witnesses).
It is possible that you lost your xp some other way than your GUID being changed, in which case replacing your etkey cannot help you. Your xp could be lost by being taken away by an admin, or you were inactive from the server for too long.
Xfire has been known to overwrite your etkey. Should your etkey be continuously overwritten, right click on your etkey, go to properties, and make it a "read only" file.
I am getting kicked for "Bad User Info".
You need to create a new profile in ET. You may also have to delete your old profiles, in etmain folder and all mod folders of you ET directory.
I keep getting kicked by punkbuster for r_allowextensions = 0
If you set your graphics quality to the "fastest" preset, it will set r_allowextensions to 0, which may cause punkbuster to kick you. You can make a cfg and have the following lines it it to run fastest and not be kicked:
exec preset_fastest_ui.cfg
r_allowextensions 1
My binds and settings keep resting to default!
Delete profile.pid in the profile folder of etmain and mod folders in your etmain directory and try again. Also if profile.cfg becomes larger than 21kb, it will not load. To fix this, place all your binds and settings into a cfg named "autoexec.cfg" which will automatically be run when you start up ET.
I keep trying to add servers to my favorites list, but they aren't favorite every time I get back on ET.
Start ET, add the servers in the server list to your favorites list by checking the favorite box but do not connect to any servers; quit ET and start again and it should be a favorite and stay there.