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  1. #121
    Developer giriel's Avatar
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    I have looked at the possibilities and forgot that we cannot give a factor for every weapon since all light weapons are saved together.
    So that's not possible, I will try to gather some stats that you could work with.
    (seems that at the moment also the heavy weapon kills are added, forgot about that as well.)

  2. #122
    Spamming the boards! testforecho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giriel View Post
    I have looked at the possibilities and forgot that we cannot give a factor for every weapon since all light weapons are saved together.
    So that's not possible, I will try to gather some stats that you could work with.
    (seems that at the moment also the heavy weapon kills are added, forgot about that as well.)
    No big deal, then just take 18hp and 50 for headshots. Actually 18*3 = 54, lets take a hs = 3 bodyshots to account for the extra difficulty, and take care of adren and rifle too?
    so: hits + hs*2
    will count hs 3 times

    A kill should give about 5points (damage included) for continuity with the old system, and battle sense weakened to about 2.5 points at most (half a kill, this is my view of course. You got a kill? Already rewarded, why should you be rewarded again? For waiting?)

    that would make (in bold the changes from the old one you sent):
    (((headshots*2 + hits) / 8) + kills) * 2.5 // roughly 5 points per kill
    + kills heavy weapons * 3
    + revives * 4
    + engineering xp
    + battle sense xp * 0.3 // maybe 0.25

    confirmed 45 seconds on jaymod 2.2.0, just checked
    Last edited by testforecho; 27-01-2012 at 11:14.

  3. #123
    Developer giriel's Avatar
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    darn testforecho
    Looks great and logical in my opinion, will change it now.
    If any of you guys still want to change something do tell ! This is easily done.

    Am looking at the possibilities for the xp calculation/team.

  4. #124
    Made his way orDian's Avatar
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    From Testforecho (((headshots*2 + hits) / 8) + kills) * 2.5 // roughly 5 points per kill

    140hp with helmet
    3 headshots
    3*2+3 = 9
    9/8+1 = 2.125
    2.125*2.5 = 5,3125

    8 body hits
    0*2+8 = 8
    8/8+1 = 2
    2*2.5 = 5

    Not rewarded for even aiming at the head.

    120hp with helmet
    3 headshots
    3*2+3 = 9
    9/8+1 = 2.125
    2.125*2.5 = 5,3125

    7 body hits
    0*2+7 = 7
    7/8+1 = 1,875
    1,875*2.5 = 4,6875

    A bit rewarded for making headshots.

    156hp with helmet
    3 headshots 1 body hit
    3*2 + 4 = 10
    10/8 + 1 = 2.25
    2.25 * 2 = 5,625

    9 body hits
    0*2 + 9 = 9
    9/8+1 = 2.125
    2.125*2.5 = 5,3125

    Dont feel like bashing some heads.

  5. #125
    Spamming the boards! Scarhand's Avatar
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    With a sten, the hs is still worse than all bodyshots because sten hs damage ratio to bs damage ratio is 3.57. That half point adds up as the number of fights goes up; it might be significant.

    What about knife kills? Backstabs= less hits. Maybe a miniscule thing for knife kills?
    Last edited by Scarhand; 27-01-2012 at 12:07.

  6. #126
    Developer giriel's Avatar
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    If you guys think it is important we can split up the weapons and save them separately.
    I must say Ordian has a point as well, we'll keep it open for now then.

    Some results I gathered already (is kinda hard because it gets deleted after every map )
    OldXp eng+bat kills deaths hits head heav revives
    10 minutes fastshooting: 31279 6240 33 7 284 41 1 0 => 26 (260 xp) (44/7 eventually)
    25 minutes fastshooting: 31749 6326 89 29 765 164 0 0 => 20.6 (515 xp) (93/30 eventually)
    30 minutes fastshooting: 32302 1969 102 33 804 176 0 8 => 23.2 (696 xp) new formula
    Last edited by giriel; 27-01-2012 at 14:25. Reason: added stats

  7. #127
    Spamming the boards! testforecho's Avatar
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    For me (I can't read other people's minds) the hits and hs thing was made as a way to figure out damage given
    And this, because kills can be 'fragsteals' so I wanted in my formula to reward players who kill enemies having full hp, and not just finishing their team mates work.
    It wasn't meant (by me, don't know others again) as a 'headshot score', actually I wouldn't even have put hs in my formula if jaymod damage wasn't bugged in the first place.

    So, from my point of view, I can answer to your 'Dont feel like bashing some heads' this way:
    1. For me, that is just a way to calculate damage given, since awarding points for headshots just because 'they are skilled' makes no sense.
    2. In a game you make a hundred kills, not one. So you talk about 3hs, but you cannot make 3hs for 100 kills not even if you cheat. It's the average that counts, and that average should show your damage given (hence the number 8, I considered an average of 1hs and 6 bodyshots. 1*2+6 = 8)

    as it is now sten would give more points, but I'm elaborating the formula to take care of adrenaline because I discovered a huge flaw in that case

    Checking those stats, and trying to balance adrenaline servers atm. Separate weapon table would be cool, but if it's too much work, then let's see what we can think of

  8. #128
    Developer giriel's Avatar
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    yea adrenaline isn't considered at the moment.
    I have discussed the issue with Paul and he has allowed me to use more space in the database !

    What I stored at the moment : engibattlexp - kills - deaths - hits - headshots - kills_h - revives. Now next to this you are free to add around 10 new things, that you can decide. So it is possible to split up the weapons now!

    So tell me what you want to see stored.

  9. #129
    Spamming the boards! testforecho's Avatar
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    hmm, as regards that adrenaline thing, imho there is no way out, because adrenaline halves damage (but not damage from headshots).

    That means in practice that if you play in a server with adren, you need always more hits to kill somebody, so you will always get more points.
    Of course, your points are then compared to all the other players in the server, so the effect is not so noticeable because you get more, they get more too, but it is an unbalance that could lead to an advantage for some servers.

    The only solution I can think of is counting only damage coming from hs, orDian would be happy
    let me think a bit, now that I saw your last post. What do you think about this adrenaline problem?

  10. #130
    Developer giriel's Avatar
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    Well I am biased in that matter since I find adrenaline a nuisance.
    So I would like to "punish" it's usage by for example multiplying that factor 8 with (#adren shots / (playtime*0.5)) because then you surely are abusing that, playtime in minutes then. (a minimum of 1 is required, don't want to go below 8).
    As such you still can use adrenaline without a problem, only not too often.

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