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Thread: PPM Maker

  1. #11
    Community manager Shagileo's Avatar
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    Alright, Paul informed us it would be very hard to create such a cfg for the TB system. Apparently it was created some time ago - indeed, about 2 years from now - for the SL system.

    That cfg would be useless for TB

  2. #12
    Banned Mccloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shagileo View Post
    Alright, Paul informed us it would be very hard to create such a cfg for the TB system. Apparently it was created some time ago - indeed, about 2 years from now - for the SL system.

    That cfg would be useless for TB
    the cfg wasn't useless, squix just used it on me, and he said the exact same ppm I had at the end of the map, I thought it was luck at first, until I heard about this

  3. #13
    TB Staff Spl@$h~'s Avatar
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    Dont know then .. its nothing special ..
    its not like you will get more ppm because you it ...
    Its the same as playlock or name changing you activate it or not(before the end of the map) to get rating , except that with that cfg you know exactly if you will get + / - .

    what i can tell is that no one in pro* use it.
    We will see what Paul thinks about that.

  4. #14
    Spamming the boards! Manu's Avatar
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    ts the same as playlock or name changing you activate it or not(before the end of the map) to get rating , except that with that cfg you know exactly if you will get + / - .
    So it's not like playlock u know .It's an avantage 'cause you could use in better way the playlock, only get + session and get in hight rating easyly. But well rating is allready not an adventage so with this thing or not i think rating stuff will stay same.
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  5. #15
    Spamming the boards! Dragonji's Avatar
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    It doesn't affect your PPM in any way, so in fact it is not a "cheat". If you decide it should be forbidden, Playlock feature would need to remove too, because "you can block sessions with low PPM".

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  6. #16
    Community manager Shagileo's Avatar
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    Hm well indeed, it should'nt be considered as a cheat, for reasons stated above.
    I guess it is like those dynamite counters scripts which notify you when a dyna is about to explode. Besides at this time, I don't think we can do anything against that ppm calculator (not maker).

    We'll see what Paul thinks of it as well.

  7. #17
    Banned Mccloud's Avatar
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    It's nothing like playlock, this thing shows avg ppm at the beginning of the map, and what other's ppm have, showing what other players ppm have = you know you are top ppm rater, = you get + when you know that and you find your ppm at the end of the map, I'm not talking about hon's program, i'm talking about this cfg, so stop acting like playlock is the exact same "danger" or threat this cfg has, cause clearly it doesn't, you lose rate even with this playlock method, aspirin me, and others who use it aren't immune to getting a minus, and sometimes we are too lazy to change our name, so we keep the session locked, and if you choose not to do it, that's your business, but dont whine about it cause this thing is a legit feature built inside the website, no matter how you use it, it's there to use, while this cfg is special made and clearly website shows no info about it, and with this cfg showing what others have, and what you have in ppm, its just ridiculous

    Also if this cfg is exactly like a calculator. as some say it is, why dont you use a calculator? or is it too hard to count your xp or use a calculator to count how much you have per minute due to being focused during a game? only if you are truly a nerd who knows how to calculate every single xp, then that's a legit way, and its quite skilled, those who don't know how to focus and count your xp uses this cheap cfg. so plz, don't tell me its exactly the same cause some cant use a calculator and play at the same time while you're oh so serious about rating and doing your best not to rage at a minus
    Last edited by Mccloud; 5-08-2011 at 20:21.

  8. #18
    TB Staff Spl@$h~'s Avatar
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    No one is whining ,at least i didnt create that thread.
    Just saying how playlock and that old/cfg are used ,to know exactly how many ppm you get its easier , so its a good combo.
    Dont know why , once again you explain how some of you use it or for which reason.

    so stop acting like playlock is the exact same "danger"
    Who said it was a danger...

    Since im the only who mentioned that precious playlock i guess ur post is adressed to me.
    Just read once again my post.

    Its the same as playlock or name changing you activate it or not(before the end of the map) to get rating , except that with that cfg you know exactly if you will get + / - .
    sometimes we are too lazy to change our name, so we keep the session locked
    That my point , its used to lock the name to no get rating/ play for fun whatever but with that cfg , it is possible to know which ppm you will get " apparently"

    The difference btw playlock and name changing , is that you can choose to play the whole map locked but just before then end or next map loading you can desactivate it to get rating ! so you have 1 chance on 2 to get a + .

    With name changing .. even if you set back your original name , you will not get rated . because 2/3 sessions not played.
    So no playlock isnt the same as name changing ...
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  9. #19
    Banned Mccloud's Avatar
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    Why would it matter if you are doing bad, you are doing bad, you can easily put a dot in front of your name before 7 or so minutes are up and you realize you cant rate that map due to a bad start, if you just unlock at the end of the map, you will lose rate if you decide to play for fun, and then you see yourself getting lots of hs, and kills, don't mean you are getting alot of xp per minute, and that will result in a minus. because 1: you didn't play for rate at the start, you lost lots of chances for xp per minute, and 2: others who are actually playing serious from the start of the map will have way more ppm than you, and then when you unlock at mid map or end of the map, you will lose it, so this method you are saying is stupid unless your @ 10+ or 9+ rate. with a high rate beginning to end counts, so when you play for rate, you are playing it.

  10. #20
    Spamming the boards! Dragonji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyAN View Post
    It's nothing like playlock, this thing shows avg ppm at the beginning of the map, and what other's ppm have, showing what other players ppm have = you know you are top ppm rater, = you get + when you know that and you find your ppm at the end of the map, I'm not talking about hon's program, i'm talking about this cfg, so stop acting like playlock is the exact same "danger" or threat this cfg has
    And that's why you called it "PPM Maker"?

    Quote Originally Posted by RyAN View Post
    Also if this cfg is exactly like a calculator. as some say it is, why dont you use a calculator?
    And why don't you wash your clothes manually instead of using a washing machine? No offence, but your argument is idiotic.

    BTW, show this "special uber cfg" instead of writing baseless arguments. Because now it looks like we are talking about dragons - nobody has seen them, but everybody talks like they knew them. Or better, PM Paul with this cfg, so he can write an official response.
    Last edited by Dragonji; 6-08-2011 at 12:02.

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