Hi everybody,

As everybody know we are in summer time and a lot of people is going on vacations.

So most of our member (i mean for people who leads clan or for member of clan), go inactive for fews weeks.

I was wondering but also suggesting if the inactive rank on tb, (rank i mean so stuff like leader, co leader, helping hand that you can add after name on trackbase page of clan), if the inactive rank do something about rate ? My clan dont look for the first place on TB but it help to be in top 30 to earn a little bit more popularity. So, does inactive rank do something ?

If not why not add this possibility, or put an auto inactive rank after 10d inactive.
I mean that the rate of inactive member aren't calculate for the global rate of the clan. Maybe it's good idea i dont know.

Well somes top clan could play of it, but i think it's good way because member doesn't like be 'kicked' of the page. I think everybody should feel at home on this page. Like a real clan list.

I dont know really if you all understand what i mean. Because with my headache&hangover time i have somes difficulty to speak proper english.

But to resume i suggest that inactive member aren't counted in the rate of clan. And i also propose to add an auto inactive rank for member of clan after 10 days of inactivity. With same effect without hurt the rate of the clan.

I hope you understand, if you dont, dont hesitate to ask me again. I personnaly dont play really for the rating system but this things could help to dont lost place on tb stupidly .

Well Have a nice day, and i know it was long topic for an easy idea.

bye bye
