Now to get lua working on my new mod, have placed files as per instal guide, my start up script is:

./etded +set fs_game nq +set net_ip $GAME_IP +exec server.cfg +set fs_homepath $GAME_HOME +set fs_basepath $GAME_HOME +set sv_maxclients $SLOTS $EXTRA_OPTIONS

What I querying is if in the etded it needs to point to the 5.1 lib file atm it is:

# Needed to make symlinks/shortcuts work.
# the binaries must run with correct working directory
cd "/home/clanbot/te/"
exec ./etded.x86 "$@"

So is pointing to etded.x86 which I assume is wrong, this is how gameservers left it, hav asked them to check if correct, they say to reinstal the server may fix issue.But before i do that as is running really well atm - other than lua.

When in console, if I type /nqhelp lua_status I just get an off white line across the screen.

In my noquarter.cfg I have:

set lua_modules "dpscripts/dynamite_counter.lua"
As per the instal guide.

If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be very appreciated.
