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Thread: HomeFront Fps

  1. #1
    TB Staff Spl@$h~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    New Zealand

    HomeFront Fps


    The year is 2027. Her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray, America has fallen to a savage occupation by the nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic. Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter armored attack vehicles. Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom against an overwhelming military force In Homefront’s gripping, cinematic single player campaign, and experience epic, ground breaking multiplayer action all set in a terrifyingly plausible near-future world.

    The 10 first minutes solo:

    Multiplayer :

    I only tested @ single player but i really enjoyed , around 5-7 hours or more depends how you play to finish it .
    Not part of trackbase team anymore.
    Please do not report/contact me anymore about trackbase issues.

    Contact : Jonny , Jari or Paul

  2. #2
    Made his way Graba4O's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Looks like a Battlefield ripoff. I never liked EA games though so it's all good.

  3. #3
    no man, no man, no. I don't think so. I don't think so.

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