
Download pk3 name: Eisfaust-Festung_(Beta-2).pk3

Map name: eisfaust.bsp

Author(s): Gadler

Festung Eisfaust


The Allies have discovered a secret fortress in Germany.

Reportedly located there, the launch base of V2 (Vengeance Weapon 2).

This must be destroys at any price. Much luck!


- defend Mountain Wall

- blow West Tower

- defend Fortress Wall

- keep main gate closed

- defend V2

- build command post

- steal V2 documents from cabin

- take V2 documents to the radio room (after the axis have brought the V2 documents to the radio room the 5 minutes countdown to the start of V2 begins )


- destroy mountain wall

- build West Tower

- build command post

- destroy fortress wall

- defend V2 documents

- Prevent access to the radio

- open Main Gate

- destroy V2
