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  1. #1
    Banned rehearsal's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    DynoWatch 2c

    // //
    // DynoWatch 2 //
    // //
    // //

    DynoWatch (version 1) - Function

    1. DynoCounter sometimes "crazy" and it doing spam.
    2. You can set your text (this options is on DynoCounter v3) you can also write this text.
    3. During counter view name of plant place.
    4. If dynamite defused or paused game then counter stoped and view message about it.

    DynoWatch 2 - Correct Function from first version

    1. Sometimes when dnamite was defused then DynoWatch not stoped counting.
    2. Without bug copy.

    DynoWatch 2 - New Function

    1. If dynamite planted and timelimit finished or restarted map then DynoWatch stop counting.
    2. In edit text you can set where in messages be name of dynamite places, by character " %s ".
    3. If dynamite planted at example: ComandPost or DepotFence and CoverOps destroy it then DynoWatch stoped counting.
    3. If somewhere planted dynamite at dynamite place 2 times and when first dnamite explosion then DynoWatch stoped counting at this places.
    4. If you write in console:

    /etmin then game will minimalize.
    /mirc thanks this function you can join to new channel on mIRC without minimalize game. Example /mirc

    /set spawn - This function load settings of spawn.
    /spawn start - this function launch countnig. If you want to bind this command you must bind as "spawn_start".
    /spawn stop - This function stop countnig. If you want to bind this command you must bind as "spawn_stop.
    /spawn reset - This function restart countnig. If you want to bind this command you must bind as "spawn_reset".

    /dw echo Set in DynoWatch method message to Echo.
    /dw fire team Set in DynoWatch method message to Fire Team.
    /dw team Set in DynoWatch method message to Team.
    /dw global Set in DynoWatch method message to Global.

    /dw quit This function you can close DynoWatch.

    /help Show help.

    6. You can also minimalize DynoWatch to icon tray.
    7. In DynoWatch you can change names of dynamite places to own name. This option was in DynoWatch PL (version 1).
    8. You can also change view of Dynowatch thanks "Dyno-Theme". You can set colors, and size. (Under is description about it.)
    9. DynoWatch 2 have function SpawnTimer. More information under or on website in >SpawnTimer
    10. DynoWatch have most function, but DynoWatch need little memory less than DynoCounter.

    Description - "Dyno-Theme"

    You can download example of "Dyno-Theme" from website DynoWatch:

    You can also write own themes.

    Build Theme:





    Main - Main color of DynoWatch.
    Edit - Background color of edit field.
    Font - Font color.

    Show - Set position field to set method message.
    Button1 - Set position first button "Save".
    Button2 - Set position second button "Our Language".
    Counter - Set position field with edit text of counter.
    Defused - Set position field with edit text of defused.

    File must be in folder where is DnoWatch2.exe, name "Dyno-Theme.ini" and .ext of file must be .ini (INI File)

    Description - SpawnTimer

    You can use function of DynoWatch 2 to counting enemy spawn. Default spawn is set to 30 sec. You can also use own settings to counting, by:
    - create in folder where is DynoWatch.exe file: test_spawn.txt (you can use other file type)
    - in this file write:

    10: 10 sec to ^3Enemy respawn.
    15: 5 sec to ^3Enemy respawn.
    17: 3 sec to ^3Enemy respawn.
    18: 2 sec to ^3Enemy respawn.
    19: 1 sec to ^3Enemy respawn.

    - save this file
    - launch ET.
    - in console write: /set spawn test_spawn.txt (if you use other name of file you must write /set spawn our_name )
    - now you load settings counter. If you write bad name of file DtnoWatch show message about it.
    - if you want to start counting write in console /spawn start
    - if you want to stop counting write in console /spawn stop
    - if you want to restart counting write in console /spawn reset

    /set spawn - load counter settings. You must set name of file where are settings. Example: /set spawn spawn20.txt
    /spawn start - this function launch countnig. If you want to bind this command you must bind as "spawn_start".
    /spawn stop - this function stop countnig. If you want to bind this command you must bind as "spawn_stop.
    /spawn reset - this function restart countnig. If you want to bind this command you must bind as "spawn_reset".

    Descriptions file with settings:
    - First line "20" is integer of enemy spawn.
    - Next line "10: 10 sec to ^1Enemy ^7respawn" is: "10" - integer to enemy respawn. " : " - separator, next is text

    Last edited by rehearsal; 29-07-2011 at 02:28.

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