Elite Guards Clan Recruiting!

Elite Guards Clan is a Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Clan running 3 servers on 2.60b. We have several members from all over the world, and players that regularly return to play on our servers.

Our servers:
  • |Elite Guards| NQ 1.2.9 XPS 4 EVER
  • .eG|N!tmod XPS 4 Ever
  • .eG|Match ETPro 3.2.6 with ET Admin Mod (Only passworded for training and matches)

The NQ & N!mod servers have bots on, but the more players that join means that we will turn off bots on which server gets more popular.

Our website is www.eliteguards.ulmb.com
As you can see, my name is Sarg. I am the owner and leader of .eG|. If you would like to join, or just come and play on our servers for fun, contact us at:
Email: sarg@eliteguards.ulmb.com
Xfire: egsarg

.eG| Sarg*