Hey Scarhand, I used Hog as a name here, but you know me as -=KF=-Scooter. You've helped me in the past, but I'm still always searching for more info. I'm not sure what I've done to my settings, but there is no change when I adjust the gamma and intensity settings. I will look over my config tonight at work and compare it to the default settings to see what's up.

Lately I just don't feel like I'm improving. I don't get to play as much due to work and family, but after all this time I figured I would have gotten better. Still those same few guys on the NQ server that I can't consistently beat, just lucky sometimes.

I'm on my company's computer so I can't see the pics. I'll have to check them out when I get home tomorrow. Good to hear from you, hardly ever see you anymore at KF.