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Thread: tipsy / yoyo

  1. #11
    Spamming the boards! viciouz21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motafied View Post
    NRGY you should be nominated for dramaqueen or even better retard of the year. smh
    I've never spoken to you but you sound like a real fuck boy. And I dont have drama I fly high in the sky and I speak the truth. That's not a drama queen thats a legit dude.

    Also funny that you have been adding me as a fan on multiple nicks I have used - even recently.

    I wish you luck F|A war daddy..
    Last edited by viciouz21; 21-07-2014 at 02:16.

  2. #12
    Spamming the boards! viciouz21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSYKORGASM View Post
    If you want to be taken seriously and not come off as a troll you really need to back this up with some logs + a screenshot, etc since it's a fairly serious thing to accuse someone of (assuming he was serious and not just fucking with you).

    Disclaimer: I am affiliated with FA or know/give a single fuck about them or this guy you are talking about.
    I def never intended to troll at all - I have a real life (unlike many here on these forums). I made a valid point and yes what I said is true. You think I just came over here to make this entire thing up? I would hope not..

  3. #13
    Made his way PSYKORGASM's Avatar
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    I'm not saying you are just here to troll but you have no proof and you spent almost an entire page seemingly writing posts to yourself, it is a little strange.
    Also, I don't disbelieve you but you cant go around accusing people of trying to extort money without any proof, that's just not how it works and nobody is going to go on a witch hunt based on just your word.

  4. #14
    Made his way drag's Avatar
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    always enjoyed playing with Nrgy . ET for ET Players !

  5. #15
    Spamming the boards! equaLz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viciouz21 View Post
    I've never spoken to you but you sound like a real fuck boy. And I dont have drama I fly high in the sky and I speak the truth. That's not a drama queen thats a legit dude.

    Also funny that you have been adding me as a fan on multiple nicks I have used - even recently.

    I wish you luck F|A war daddy..

    dude I follow a shitload of people. you're a alcohol adict, your arrogance is out of this world. dramaqueen.

  6. #16
    Spamming the boards! viciouz21's Avatar
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    I did not intend to sound arrogant in any way. I didnt even need a response since I only made the thread when I was told I'd have to pay 250 cash so Tipsy could buy a better PC to use. He made it sound like it's not fair that he doesn't have a good PC and others do. I am a partyin' addict as Eminem/D12 used to say -I'm high and sippin whenever I get the chance to relax from work. To be honest, I feel if you are playing ET to unwind after work or whatever you do and your not smokin and/or drinkin then your not playing the game right. If your sober and playing its not really fun at all since I've been doing it so long and there are better things to enjoy. I didn't directly mean to insult you since I have never said a word to you before anyways so dont take it personal at all. I'm being honest when I say I dont even know half of the posts at the start of this thread and only made the topic here cuz people can see that a leader of a clan went out his way to have someone tell me to talk to yoyo about unban and then get that fuck shit - bribing a bag of cash in a free and very old game. I am not a drama queen at all and if you knew me you wouldn't have ever said any comments, especially based only on spam on forums and not anything on server side or anything tangible. I fuckin hate drama and avoid it whenever I can. There is a difference between me going out of my way to start drama and just spammin when I experience somethin so stupid as a bride and the person actually being serious about unbanning after gettin a few $$$ and making it sound like hes doing me some huge favor and he will lose his job if he did let me pub a few maps on FA again. It's actually pretty funny if you can think outside the box like myself. If you really care PM me or there is nothin more to say - just confirming for others how ridiculous a leader of popular pub servers can be. I didn't even want a single response it was only informational and kind of a lol. I hope you understand man. Im on another level right now on these things and what I just said is truthful.
    Last edited by viciouz21; 22-07-2014 at 14:02.

  7. #17
    TB Staff daredevil's Avatar
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    I normally don't bother with you and over the period of time I have learned to ignored morons. It's funny how you offered me 250$ and when I never bothered to reply to your PM you started saying that my members are asking for it.

    It's funny how people spread lies lol.... I feel sorry for you. Looks like you need rehab again from drugs and alcohol.

    Looks like our hardware ban are hard to bypass for you.

  8. #18
    Spamming the boards! viciouz21's Avatar
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    Yeah that's it lol. You are right, you never hit me back and I would have paid you to get on servers again - that was early March time as you can see and that was a PM to you, not a convo on x-fire. I consider you a real admin as I have in the past. I am talkin about somethin recent. I never said any "members" askin for anything only stating what was said to me. And I haven't tried to bypass any bans - there are better games to be played as you know.
    Last edited by viciouz21; 26-07-2014 at 01:50.

  9. #19
    Spamming the boards! viciouz21's Avatar
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    DD are you a nab? :p

  10. #20
    Manager JoNny's Avatar
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    Please calm down with your language. You were banned because of insults once already.
    Try to hold a normal conversation without using insulting or discriminatory words.



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