Quote Originally Posted by Motafied View Post
So? If TB aware of this ... and you and your clan also, why do keep using the bug? I thought whoring (using bug) is not allowed +wha ?
here we go again... are you retarded, mentaly disturbed or just your ego suffers ? i can find for you more examples and ppl who use it as i shown you in my post above. if i must follow your way of thinking that will give us one conclusion: noone can change his/her team during map (ranked session) on purpose (fixing teams) or after shuffle etc. because of TSP bug (on servers with it). join spec to be fair with (bugged) system after all!!! are you kidding me and others right now ? so you say when for 4 months (ending of december - untill middle of april my clan with me as lordsnow, hunt and drhouse) we're on first place in rtg and tsp just because we used bugs ? dude give me a break... each one of ppl you're gonna accuse of using tsp bug on servers with it may give the same reason.
and one more thing we weren't aware of possiblieties with that bug for a long time and besides black we haven't used on purpose (if we had such 1 session on 3 or even more happend) it was because of fixing teams, being put by server admin to weaker team or because of shuffle vote (or stupid admin who thought that doing shuffle in the middle of the map is a really good idea). my point is that you can accuse everyone you want of using that bug (on purpose or not) and that won't solve existence of bug itself untill some tb admin fix that. because of reason i mentioned above you can cry, whine, shout or whatever you want to but problem is with the bugged system but not ppl who used bugged one. and don't try to tell me that you've never used any bug in any game played during your whole life coz noone gonna belive that.