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Thread: Xassm

  1. #11
    Here I am! neomodniy1's Avatar
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    And another question how to find out the ip of the player which comes into the server?

  2. #12

  3. #13
    Spamming the boards! [NNC]Krieger's Avatar
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    *RD* Rubber Ducks (FarCry)
    That's a joke!
    Have you got brain to name you GOMOSEXIS?
    If you mean with Gomo = Homo and with Sexis = sex than omg you don't have any respect. Not nice.
    Yes, its a new version of XASSM, but i don't trust this version, the XASSM Team, years ago stop continue scripting XASSM, and now comes an new version, i don't trust this version.
    I don't think its from Mixer, Garcy and Jeppa, or yes??
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  4. #14
    Made his way GOMOSEXIS's Avatar
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    This version 2.6.9d which the mixer itself gave us and finalized himself. I am aware of all the vile Affairs turnstil and mixer and I am not interested in anything. I know about their new tool they use for hacking servers and about how FPFC eliminate competitors and so I rasprostrani this clandestine development and let them all run their servers on xassm scripts.

  5. #15
    Made his way x99699's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOMOSEXIS View Post
    This version 2.6.9d which the mixer itself gave us and finalized himself. I am aware of all the vile Affairs turnstil and mixer and I am not interested in anything. I know about their new tool they use for hacking servers and about how FPFC eliminate competitors and so I rasprostrani this clandestine development and let them all run their servers on xassm scripts.
    Apart from insulting me without any evidence of what you are claming, you are a liar, this version you just released is based on the old 2.6.9 version, not the 2.6.9d. And 99,9% of the code is unchanged, the rest is only more logging stuff. You also included a custom crygame.dll file that I edited by myself, however you forget to mention it's a beta version that was unstable that's why it has never been released. Btw you didn't asked me to release it neither.

    And about what "vile Affairs" or "new tool...for hacking servers" are you talking about, are you on drugs ? I have never worked in any hacking tools besides I haven't played FarCry for a couple of months, my servers runs automatically since that time so how could I be involved in any of those affairs ? Anyway I don't care...

    "how FPFC eliminate competitors" ? Competitors ? What's that ? My FPFC servers are popular for the only reason I rent over 45€/months a full dedicated server with one of the best europe network tree so the FC community from Poland to Israel can get good and stable connection to the game servers. All of this is ridiculous.

    Last edited by x99699; 4-07-2014 at 15:05.

  6. #16
    Spamming the boards! [NNC]Krieger's Avatar
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    *RD* Rubber Ducks (FarCry)
    with competitors he means other servers. who are not your servers.
    But did you don't think he have a litle true?
    Other admins pay momey for they servers too, but they don't get players because one admin have 5 or 6 servers running.
    Some clans the last weeks turn off they server because they servers was not used since your servers came.
    I think at the final your servers will be last existen servers, because other turn off because no players.

    your servers are famous but sometimes one of 50 admins there Bans some one without real reason. My friend was banned and the Admin don't have any screens or videos who I can see that my friend was cheating.
    Someone lie! I don't know who, but some one, The Server Admins, The community or Problametic players.

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  7. #17
    Made his way x99699's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [NNC]Krieger View Post
    with competitors he means other servers. who are not your servers.
    But did you don't think he have a litle true?
    Other admins pay momey for they servers too, but they don't get players because one admin have 5 or 6 servers running.
    Some clans the last weeks turn off they server because they servers was not used since your servers came.
    I think at the final your servers will be last existen servers, because other turn off because no players.

    your servers are famous but sometimes one of 50 admins there Bans some one without real reason. My friend was banned and the Admin don't have any screens or videos who I can see that my friend was cheating.
    Someone lie! I don't know who, but some one, The Server Admins, The community or Problametic players.

    I'm running 1 server of each mode available on FC (1 FFA server, 1 TDM server, 1 assault server 1.33+, 1 assault server 1.4 and 1 assault server 1.6) so each player who prefers 1 mode or patch from another can play it on my dedicated machine. That means when a player wants to play for instance FFA, he can choose between my FFA server and the 3-4 others available servers that are not mine. So the reason why a player choose my game server is obviously not because I also run 4 others servers on differents mode/patch, it makes no sense at all !

    Moreover there are not 50 admins on my servers, only 2-3 are active now and they are very good and popular players in which I can trust, plus every bans passes through me so no one is banned "without real reason". Your friend "Razer" was reported to me while he was owning one of the best FC players on his first day back on FC after a break of a couple of years. Hilarious. And I caught this guy cheating again the next day on my server, it was too obvious so I had no doubt, sorry if it was your friend but it makes no difference for me. Anyway those problem wouldn't happend if we were all playing on patch 1.6.

  8. #18
    Spamming the boards! [NNC]Krieger's Avatar
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    *RD* Rubber Ducks (FarCry)
    He says the same tham you :
    RaZoR: Bernd: Das ist "Shoz" der größte Cheater selbst!! Sniper no recoil und eventuell andere Waffen auch. Zu dem gehört auch Molar dabei.. Selbe Settings!
    bernd: NEW* Server ist ein großer idiot und ein dreckigs arschloch grus bernd
    bernd : alles idioden
    Kr!eger: Aus diesem grund bin ich hier. Bei deinen servern wurde keiner ohne grund gebannt. Darum möchte ich ja das deine server wieder kommen. Kannste keinen biligeren root mieten
    RaZoR: Ja genau der Ich habe keine Hacks und das ist jederzeit mit Teamviewer kontrollierbar! Der Server gehört meiner Meinung nach einem Cheater. No Recoil Waffen, vor allem die Sniper!
    *RD*Kr!eger: Meinst du den server : *NEW* Server - TDM 1.4 #4

    Chat Translation:
    RaZoR: @Bernd: thats "Shoz" the biggest cheater themselves!! Sniper no recoil and eventual other Weapons too. And Molar too.. same Settings!
    bernd: NEW* server is a big idiot and a dirty asshole. bernd
    bernd : all idiots!
    Kr!eger: Thats why I am here. In your server there was never banned a player without reason. Thats why I want that your servers comes back. Can you not bought a more cheaper root
    RaZoR: yes this one I don't have hacks and thats allways with Teamviewer controllable! This server is in my opinion from Cheater. No Recoil Weapons, especially the Sniper!
    *RD*Kr!eger: Did you mean this server : *NEW* Server - TDM 1.4 #4

    Hmmm, ok. But here I can read, and see ingame, that you gave a cheater Admin rights on your own server, sh0z. And We thing too that on my match he crash my server!
    Last edited by [NNC]Krieger; 4-07-2014 at 19:38.
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  9. #19
    Made his way x99699's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [NNC]Krieger View Post
    He says the same tham you :
    RaZoR: Bernd: Das ist "Shoz" der größte Cheater selbst!! Sniper no recoil und eventuell andere Waffen auch. Zu dem gehört auch Molar dabei.. Selbe Settings!
    bernd: NEW* Server ist ein großer idiot und ein dreckigs arschloch grus bernd
    bernd : alles idioden
    Kr!eger: Aus diesem grund bin ich hier. Bei deinen servern wurde keiner ohne grund gebannt. Darum möchte ich ja das deine server wieder kommen. Kannste keinen biligeren root mieten
    RaZoR: Ja genau der Ich habe keine Hacks und das ist jederzeit mit Teamviewer kontrollierbar! Der Server gehört meiner Meinung nach einem Cheater. No Recoil Waffen, vor allem die Sniper!
    *RD*Kr!eger: Meinst du den server : *NEW* Server - TDM 1.4 #4

    Chat Translation:
    RaZoR: @Bernd: thats "Shoz" the biggest cheater themselves!! Sniper no recoil and eventual other Weapons too. And Molar too.. same Settings!
    bernd: NEW* server is a big idiot and a dirty asshole. bernd
    bernd : all idiots!
    Kr!eger: Thats why I am here. In your server there was never banned a player without reason. Thats why I want that your servers comes back. Can you not bought a more cheaper root
    RaZoR: yes this one I don't have hacks and thats allways with Teamviewer controllable! This server is in my opinion from Cheater. No Recoil Weapons, especially the Sniper!
    *RD*Kr!eger: Did you mean this server : *NEW* Server - TDM 1.4 #4

    Hmmm, ok. But here I can read, and see ingame, that you gave a cheater Admin rights on your own server, sh0z. And We thing too that on my match he crash my server!
    Kr!eger, are you serious ? sh0z was winning something like 8-0 on an official 1vs1 tournament match when the server crashed and you accuse him of having deliberately crashed the server ? Again it makes no sense at all!

    He is a good FC player, known since years. Many others top players would confirm it and - take it easy but - you have never been one of them, everytimes I met you on a public server you was bottom in the game scoreboard ranking, how can you judge someone who has 10 times your level ? I'm done with you.

    This topic has better to be closed because it becomes absolutely ridiculous.

  10. #20
    Made his way sh0z's Avatar
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    It makes no sense krieger, why and how should i crash your server while aiming at you, winning maybe 8-0 or more without any difficulty ? And why ? Really why should i crash it ? Give me a raison lol i don't even know you

    What i seen is that You stopped to moves, crouching back the wall then 2 seconds later the server's like you made a Back to windows, then crashed it.
    So i leaved to watch the France playing the world cup, and i dont wanna ruin your fun in the matchs, i got some qualms.

    To be honnest, without trying to boast myself, i think all of you in your "tournament" had no chance to win any match if i'm here especially on mp_radio, it's was to easy for me, really. Molar Tom and Scar were the 3 good players which i wanna play with, but they dont play it.
    Foto won the match yesterday, i think he's the best of you, but 3 days ago i saw him on mp_radio i won the game 40-0, then i leave, so imagine :s

    About your cheat accusation, i dont even try to defend mysefl against you RaZoR Bernd dunno what...I'm playing since 10 years and, i swear, before your "tournament" i did not even know you krieger, i thought you was a fake, so i cheked splatterlader and i saw that you was a real player.

    I probably met you in game before but i did not even hold your nick in mind so much you are not good, like an invisible player. Every posts, every words on the net from you is kinda stupid, like your next post on this forum i'm sur it will be a joke lol.
    When i started Farcry on FFA servers you had probably 2 or 3 years old not even able to keep a mouse in your hand, and now you are accusing me of cheats. It's really unbearable but i'm used to get massively accused by guys like you, every games every days, it was the same story in crysis.

    if you want a 1v1 or even a 3v1 in a correct server.. 1.6 if you want, you probably think i'll cheat on 1.4, i'm ok

    Last edited by sh0z; 5-07-2014 at 19:32.

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