[W:ET] Squad Registrations
Please read the rules BEFORE ASKING FOR A SQUAD!
Rules for creating a clan:
- The squadtag must have a minimum length of 3 characters
- The squadtag can not be taken yet (this includes names used by clans)
- The Squadtag need to be different than main clan tag ( different symbol(s) for example)
- The squad will be assigned to a CLAN, so we need a valid CLANLINK.
When requesting a squadprovide us:
- A link to your current clanpage (squad will be assigned to it)
- A playerlink (reserved) containing the squadtag you wish to register
(if the one in charge is someone else than clan leader , more infos above in bold)
- The squadtag you wish to register
Since 1/2/2012 its NO longer needed to assign a player to the squad directly, if you are the clan leader/owner, you can edit any squads that belong to your clan!
A little example :
PLAYER 1 is leader on clanpage (ETCLAN)
PLAYER 1 wants to assign a squad to his clan (ETCLAN) and he wants to manage it.
What he needs to provide us :
-Link to clanpage (ETCLAN)
-Squad tag he wants to register
that way his name will NOT appears on Squadpage , but he is able to edit it anyway !
* IF someone else need to be in charge of Squad , then provide us a registered name containing the squad tag .