Spamming the boards!
no rate?
hey TB
today i played couple maps on FA1 jaymod
one of the maps is this map:
i played with .$k@Olykiller name (dont even see my name -.-)
i also see nothing at my name
i played like 4 maps but nothing, no rate :o?
anyone know how this can be ?
i was inactive yes but normally that has nothing to do with it...
This night TB was hit by the following IP:
The apache loaded up and eventually crashed, we're working on a fix but it needs some time :/
Spamming the boards!
but how comes other were rated?
anyway its nothing bad or so, just weird that it happend for me only
TB Staff
Problem solved.
Moved to archive section
If you have a similar or different problem please , open a new thread.
Not part of trackbase team anymore.
Please do not report/contact me anymore about trackbase issues.
Contact : Jonny , Jari or Paul
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