A way you can register your ip on a profile alias so that any other ips and do not register under your profile name.
This will allow 2 or more people to play et with the same alias without having their ratings combined into one person.

For example, my alias currently is =F|A=Jaie,
However there is someone also playing with the nalias =F|A=Jaie.
If we both were to insert our ip on our track base profiles, then, I could be
=F|A=Jaie(myip), and he could be =F|A=Jaie (his ip), and we could both play et at the same time without having our ratings combined, my serverlist intefering with his, or his serverlist intefering with mine.
And if other players were to use the alias =F|A=Jaie, they could be registered as =F|A=Jaie (noip) - under 1 combined alias as it currently is.

(I am aware that my name is being stolen, but if we ignore that), in theory - a system like this will allow other players to rate with names such as Assassin, or of famous people simultaneously and players will not need to seek unique names.
The time will come where we run out of unused names.