Hi, the first post in the years was fro my!
FarCry is an Old Game and haves a lot of problems with cheaters!
This is why a lot of players quit from FC.
FarCry have AntiCheat Systems but only in Extern Patches.
Like Patch 1.5 and Patch 1.6 From the FarCry Community!
But the players like to play 1.4, but this patch have only PunkBuster!
The problem is PunkBuster support is offline like now 7 years!
I`m Learning Scripter too like LUA Coding but my system works only if the Client and the server have the same system like 1.5/1.6
If someone of ET have the time and the fun for help the 1.4 Server Admins too protect the servers then Big THX
Like Balance!
AntiCheat Community FarCry