Venom-Gaming or otherwise known as VNM was once run by Heddlu and had originally started up back at the end of 2011, shortly before the master server list went offline in early 2012. Though the clan came to an end due to some bad patches which just couldn't be resolved...

That was then. This is now.
Venom-Gaming is under new management after discussing the clan's revival with Heddlu and agreeing on who would be running it. Heddlu though hasn't abandoned the clan completely so he will return at some point.

Like before we have a 24 slot Nitmod server hosted in the UK.
The server IP is -
And our forum link is -

Recruitment is open for anyone who plays the game! So if you would like to join then by all means do so otherwise pay us a visit and become a friend of the clan

Clan Management.