i have a 6 Core from AMD and a GTX 760 and have huge laggs too 16 gig ram is installed too...
i have a 6 Core from AMD and a GTX 760 and have huge laggs too 16 gig ram is installed too...
Battlefield 4 Update is good for Performance.
Every Guy was telling me to install the Beta Driver of my Graphicscard. But was wrong
A Clanmember of me edited some things in his cfg and now the game runs fine.
Here is the Link to the Forum :
I installed Windows 8 to test the performance, because i readed a post on EA that the System request for good performance needs windows 8. I only can say wow the different between windows 7 and 8 is large. Game runs with 25 - 30 fps more.....no laggs any more
Delete the saved control files and license files. If that doesn't solve your problem, there could be problem with network discovery settings and monitor configurations. Here is complete info: