A bug report here. Not sure if this is a problem with ETJump or ET 3.00 but on the ETJump forums, it appears to be a problem with ET3.00.

If you don't know, in Trickjump there is ice ramps which players use to launch themselves higher. In ETJump, when running ET2.60b these ice ramps work as they should; you jump onto the ramp and you smoothly launch upwards without loosing any speed. When ETJump is running ET3.00 however, a lot of speed is lost; when you stand on the ice ramp and don't jump on it, you appear to get stuck to it and your view starts shacking. When jumping on it, you don't get stuck to it but you loose a lot of speed because of it, which makes some maps almost impossible.

This problem is not only restricted to our server, but also every ETJump server as far as i know, and from the experiences told by the regular players of these other servers.