Hi all

In this topic I’d like to point out some things about the TB rating system. It has been from summer 2010 since I rated, as you all know at that moment Splatterladder was the rating system. So this week I started to play some maps serious again and I noticed a remarkable aspect of the TB rating system.

Take for instance this map

As you can see dtec had a -0.33 on this map while he had almost 22ppm on FA2 which is good. The reason is because the average ppm is 12,19 which is rly high.

Other example:

had a 100-22 score that map. Still got minus, why? Average ppm too high (9,59)

The counter example:

huge + with only 16,45 ppm, reason here: low average ppm (6,16)

my point is:
play vs less skilled players and you get much +
play vs better players (more raters playing same map) and everyone gets – because average ppm is high.
In my opinion it should be the other way around; play good vs other raters and get much +, play vs less skilled players and get less +
(this was the case with SL. I still remember when we played with 3 or 4 .GoD| players on same map so average was rly high and everyone gets much +)

Some stuff to think about for next tb update