Lately many people complained and asked me questions about crashes and servers that got stuck. In this news item I will try to answer all the questions and tell people what the planning is and what is going to happen.

Let's kick off about the so called "Crashes" - we believe we've found the cause of these and did some updates to prevent them. Until today it seems to be working - but it's not guaranteed.

Secondly, people complaining about servers getting stuck: people always tell me after they've played 5 rounds: why my 5 rounds aren't up? I always say "you should have told me directly", this still counts from now on, despite the fact that there have been things changed.
You can easily see if a server actually got "stuck", at the bottom of every server info page there is information about the last and nextscan. If the nextscan is over - 120 seconds there is seriously something wrong and the server probably got stuck. This was caused by MySQL, that got overloaded by connections. The first time this happened we upgraded the maximum connections from 151 to 251, but this seemed not enough so it has been changed again from 251 to 501, hoping that this will be the end of all those problems.

We hope the best, and hope that this is the last time any problems occur regarding this subject.

Some extra announcements:
- The so called 'login' bug is fixed.
- Soon there will be a mod/minimod section for file downloads.
- We are working the idea of an achievement system, more information will follow.
- A longer list of sessions per server will be implemented.
- The server list filters are on the to-do list to: it will get more extended.
