Am I the only one that has noticed that the W:ET People seems to have given up?

and it goes for all the sites i usually visits, Splatterladder, Trackbase, Splashdamage, crossfire and several Clanforums

The posts has stopped coming, sometimes there can go days between a single post

I dont blame anyone, as I assume all can be feed up and say feck it enuff is enuff

People gets tired of strugling to keep stuff running and especially if the stuff aint used like servers, forums etc

I was out over a year ago and suggest community or clanleaders should start talking about making a large community togehter, reduce the numbers of servers, and go away from clanservers and run some community servers togehter, none seemed to like the idea, even tho there could be money saved and an almost certain guarantee you would play against humans.

But now over a year after, il try bring it up again

the last year year ive seen lots of clan give up, and then they completely disapeared from WET,

Why not think different?, its now where we still have some active ppl in our clans that we should discuss maybe even do this, when our ppl gets fed up with playing against bots on empty servers or visit some of the relatively few busy servers, theyll be lost from our clans but more important from our game

Idc about who is in charge and stuff like that, i wanna play on decent servers with humans and have fun. i havent found any servers to my complete liking tbh

I am all ears if anyone has ideas or suggestions.

What can be done to prevent the slowly dying of WET?