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  1. #1
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    W:ET Communities - The Future

    Am I the only one that has noticed that the W:ET People seems to have given up?

    and it goes for all the sites i usually visits, Splatterladder, Trackbase, Splashdamage, crossfire and several Clanforums

    The posts has stopped coming, sometimes there can go days between a single post

    I dont blame anyone, as I assume all can be feed up and say feck it enuff is enuff

    People gets tired of strugling to keep stuff running and especially if the stuff aint used like servers, forums etc

    I was out over a year ago and suggest community or clanleaders should start talking about making a large community togehter, reduce the numbers of servers, and go away from clanservers and run some community servers togehter, none seemed to like the idea, even tho there could be money saved and an almost certain guarantee you would play against humans.

    But now over a year after, il try bring it up again

    the last year year ive seen lots of clan give up, and then they completely disapeared from WET,

    Why not think different?, its now where we still have some active ppl in our clans that we should discuss maybe even do this, when our ppl gets fed up with playing against bots on empty servers or visit some of the relatively few busy servers, theyll be lost from our clans but more important from our game

    Idc about who is in charge and stuff like that, i wanna play on decent servers with humans and have fun. i havent found any servers to my complete liking tbh

    I am all ears if anyone has ideas or suggestions.

    What can be done to prevent the slowly dying of WET?

  2. #2
    Made his way OBJ3CTIVE's Avatar
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    Its normal some people are starting playing MOBA'S.

    The whole fps scene is dying.
    W:ET its more a "mature game" we dont see younger faces playing this game like counter-strike for example, its sad im a semi-pro counter strike player and noone know about ET

  3. #3
    Spamming the boards! Dragonji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OBJ3CTIVE View Post
    Its normal some people are starting playing MOBA'S.

    The whole fps scene is dying.
    W:ET its more a "mature game" we dont see younger faces playing this game like counter-strike for example, its sad im a semi-pro counter strike player and noone know about ET
    General difference is that CS is actively developed and supported by Valve and it's a full product, unlike ET, however, there's still future for W:ET, google for ET: Legacy.

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  4. #4
    Spamming the boards! [DIABOLIK]$mart's Avatar
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    CS players can't talk about ET
    ET players can't talk about CS

    I just want to say: ET will never die

    Patriot, I was on your server for the party announced at SL xD Good server ! Nice players (no immature children as many popular servers - yes CSPlayer: at 11 years old you are a "young face") and I've noticed a very fast http-download ! GG man


  5. #5
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Could we keep this ontopic plz? idc about cs at all

    Nice to hear $mart

    well i made this similar post on other sites, and the responses has been very very limited, which imo actually proves my point

  6. #6
    TB Staff daredevil's Avatar
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    People get bored playing same game over and over. Game has been more then 10 yrs old. Can you eat same food for 1 month? I don't think so. So people always take some break and during summer activity has always been low since people go out in beautiful weather. During winter activity increases and i have seen same trend over last 5 years. People always come back sooner or later.

    Merging never works. It never works between different clans or at least that what I have seen from other clans.

    More or less ET players post less and play more. It's same in gaming world or most of the FPS games.

    Also their are many new games coming out and some are interesting or fun to play. Loved flying jets, shooting tanks, etc in BC2. Same for COD series. Sometimes people just get bored playing old game and then tend to move on.

    The only thing you/we can do is increase the awareness of ET by posting on other general gaming forums. Once you play BF3 and other latest COD series games, gamers say wtf kind of graphics is this? It's so old and they move on.

  7. #7
    Here I am! macbeth's Avatar
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    sorry but i dont agree at all i manage our clan since september 2004 with our main server w/o bots and many guys enjoy to play with us cuz our clan is a friendly clan, we have guys who started to play ET like myself in July 2003
    same if the graphics are now a bit old ET is still a fun game to play with friends
    i visited sometimes other servers and here they just play but not have fun
    and dont forget than ET is a free game
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  8. #8
    Spamming the boards! gzzzvictory's Avatar
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    I even agree with Patriot and its pleasing to the eye that there are still ppl who are interested to support and develope the community. Just now we have to keep our ingame life in ET. This game is defently quite the best teamplay Game on this world . I had a break of over 8 month but as you see iam back, coz iam infected in this game since i started 8 years ago.We should look up what 'll happen in the future but in my opinion the time is ripe to built up a close community.

  9. #9
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daredevil View Post
    People get bored playing same game over and over. Game has been more then 10 yrs old. Can you eat same food for 1 month? I don't think so. So people always take some break and during summer activity has always been low since people go out in beautiful weather. During winter activity increases and i have seen same trend over last 5 years. People always come back sooner or later.

    Merging never works. It never works between different clans or at least that what I have seen from other clans.

    More or less ET players post less and play more. It's same in gaming world or most of the FPS games.

    Also their are many new games coming out and some are interesting or fun to play. Loved flying jets, shooting tanks, etc in BC2. Same for COD series. Sometimes people just get bored playing old game and then tend to move on.

    The only thing you/we can do is increase the awareness of ET by posting on other general gaming forums. Once you play BF3 and other latest COD series games, gamers say wtf kind of graphics is this? It's so old and they move on.
    Firstly this wasnt really ment for big clans/communities like F|A, there ar lots of smaller clans with the problems i mentioned in my initial post. i guess we have around 3000-5000 active WET ppl back now a days, with around 600-800 servers thats just not enuff ppl. so if some of us could get somthing sorted, and thereby reduce a bit on the servers, cant see that should be a bad idea, if we cant well then we cant.

    Quote Originally Posted by macbeth View Post
    sorry but i dont agree at all i manage our clan since september 2004 with our main server w/o bots and many guys enjoy to play with us cuz our clan is a friendly clan, we have guys who started to play ET like myself in July 2003
    same if the graphics are now a bit old ET is still a fun game to play with friends
    i visited sometimes other servers and here they just play but not have fun
    and dont forget than ET is a free game
    Again im aware that not all will agree with me, np

    Quote Originally Posted by gzzzvictory View Post
    I even agree with Patriot and its pleasing to the eye that there are still ppl who are interested to support and develope the community. Just now we have to keep our ingame life in ET. This game is defently quite the best teamplay Game on this world . I had a break of over 8 month but as you see iam back, coz iam infected in this game since i started 8 years ago.We should look up what 'll happen in the future but in my opinion the time is ripe to built up a close community.
    Last edited by Patriot; 18-04-2013 at 12:09.

  10. #10
    See me, I'm great! heddlu's Avatar
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    I agree that the game is slowly dying and has been for many years now. There are less servers or less popular servers than there used to be though there are still new players coming to the game yet it isn't enough to keep it going in my opinion. Starting up a big community with lots of servers would be a good thing but then the majority of players who are already in clans would probably want to play more in the community server than in the clan server, it would be a good idea for some if they can get it going.
    Advertising the game is something we should do in order to keep it alive and to bring in new players and servers.
    Put it this way COD1 is an old game and I can still see a lot of servers on it, some empty but others which still have players in.
    Comparing graphics however is lame. If you are interested in playing the game then you wouldn't say anything about graphics and just play the game, it makes people a right wing retard if they just judge the game by it's graphics well before they even consider playing it.

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