My friend and I have been banned on both of these servers (NO REASON AT ALL.......CHEATING? YA. RIGHT.) after playing with Cash Money Brothers clan members. We both absolutely do not cheat, I am pub player at F|A with nick WAZ|R, my friend plays et (computer games in general) very very casually. On both Cash Money Brothers clan servers, BestVietnamEver and PanzervsSniper, we were banned after playing with admins for a map or two and whooping their butts. WE DO NOT WALL HACK BOT WHATEVER THE HECK THOSE PEOPLE DO AND NEVER EVER HAVE OR WILL. However they do retain the right to determine who plays on their servers. Cash Money Brothers clan germany, wherever these fellers are at, you ban us because you get owned? Really? Both the servers are rarely populated and have niche mods running that appealed to us. If Cash Money clan bans because they have no skill then let that be known as of now. REVERSE BAN CASH MONEY CLAN WE WERE ALMOST ALWAYS THE ONLY PEOPLE THERE....