Quote Originally Posted by Hy0... View Post
Well in fact I play Et since 2008 even if I started etpro only 2 years ago...
And by the way "et is dead" wasnt serious, I just think we should bust real whores like this one: http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/8...8843#post18843

Comon we have a proof this guy cheats and nobody "removed" his rate...
Just go on France beginners and spec him , you will instantly see hes cheating...

and I'm not sure this dA guy purpose is rising his rate...

PS: snatix me traite de random on croit rêver... Ange m'avait deja dit que t'avais un ego pas possible et ça se confirme
c'est pas une question d'ego, et ne confond pas Ange avec Rapk et les 2 gamins! Et oui tu es un random..