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  1. #1
    Spamming the boards! Manu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Guid & pb problem..

    Hi everyone,

    First, please move this topics if it's not the right section, i do not want to bring trouble here, but i haven't found the good part.

    Ok now, let's try speak about my 'little' problem. I have ET installed on my external hdd.. everything worked properly. I stoped ET for a year, meanwhile, my hdd fell on the floor (lost around 5000 movies and 11414 music //care, sorry). Finnally i get back all the folder after a check disk via window cmd.. you know what i mean.. (please dont get lose now, i haven't start).

    You can see how usless was what you read before. Hmm, So i came back for playing, but now when i m online, i dont have Guid. But i have my etkey in my etmain.. and it worked like a day last week if i'm right. So, I can't save XP, i don't really care of XP since i, in the past lost often more than 500K of it.. but it's pretty annoying for being kicked and so.

    When someone do !listplayers (or sth similar), i don't have my ET guid. But in etmain i do have my sweet etkey. My beloved one.

    What i tryed for now :
    -ignore it > but i can't get on all server
    -enable pb > still do not bring guid on server
    -write command in console : pb_sv_enable cl_punkbuster 1 pb_writecfg pb_system 1 /quit /connect /ragequit ....

    Still not.. I've downloaded punkbuster installer, but how smart i was, is that i haven't thought about pb don't support ET anymore.

    Any suggestion to help a poor ET fan ?

    Thank you,


    PS: you have to know that i'm actually in exams period, but i missed ET... (procrastination ftw)..

    PS2: Any question, i ll try to answer in a smarter way. I swear.
    Leader of the Deadly Aces Community

  2. #2
    Spamming the boards! Scarhand's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    United States
    Try removing your ETkey and replacing it with yours again. Then right click on the file and do properties and make it "read only". This will prevent things such as xfire from changing it. If replacing it and making it read only doesn't work, then you copied the wrong etkey.

  3. #3
    Spamming the boards! Manu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hi, thank you it worked. Somes admin help me and after couple of cmd it worked. Thank you.
    Leader of the Deadly Aces Community

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