As you might have read

Quote Originally Posted by News

After 10 years of serving the Wolfenstein community with all kinds of hosting, up and download services and much MUCH more, Wolfmap admin and creator, Berzerkr, has announced the permanent shut down of the website will stop its services coming January 2011.
Clients and admins can still download, until the deadline.

Though, as sad this news is, not all hope is lost.
Several other Wolf:ET related websites announced to host the Wolfenstein maps and mods.

TrackBase will play a quite important role in hosting maps and mods as well in the near future.
More about that soon.

To find out more about the announced news: Visit the SD ® forum post
As there is not much clearence about where and when the files are going, I'd like to give you this:
- Trackbase currently has the full file database of wolfmap
- The full file database will be public after the weekends, we need to sort out things before opening it.

Discuss about the closedown here, and have a good day.