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  1. #21
    TB Staff Adrian's Avatar
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    Guys Stop swearing and using offensive language or i will need to take actions.
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  2. #22
    i dont believe it either... haha... nice speech que passa.. all good for me.. we will shoot each other soon..
    peace out

  3. #23
    Chief Paul's Avatar
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    Wanted to close the topic at the first read, but after some more thinking I decided that it will stay open as it results in a good open discussion.

    The problem stays is:
    1) What would be "proof"
    2) Who would check out the "proof" as it will be time consuming
    3) When is it actually whoring?
    4) What do we do when we find someone "whoring"

    It's not a straight as many people think, and I have to agree que pasa is quite right about his say about noobs/whores and the distribution of all the packages.
    The fact is that it's made as a fair ranking system, so the argument that mostly came from SL admins was that "we are not police", still got a problem with that since it goes into the hart where the system was made for. Therefore I still want a solution, and people that want to purposely whore can elsewhere. Something I was suggesting: proof with xfire vid/demo + link to the session on TB (needs to be given within 3 days of happening else it's "OLD") and we will reset the rate of that player. (Disabling wouldn't make more sense about this anyway), with the advantage that you can re-use later on.

    Twister started the topic as ex-whore and therefore he should get some respect too, it is the symbol of the goal we should want with this.
    A player that turns from whoring only to someone that fights for it too not-happen.

  4. #24
    Here I am! N3kr0n's Avatar
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    I have a few ideas. First of all, like said before, very many players are "whoring" without even knowing about TB. But they are not even near the top, so nothing should be done about them.

    This is why I think there should be some kind of a "magic number", starting from where we could say that people are whoring for rating. Maybe Top 50? First page of TB toplist. Or even Top 30?

    Now the question "when is it actually whoring?" This has to be stated very clearly, because it's going to be the main argument for complaints. "Yeah I threw ammo at spawn, but I killed too... I got 40 kills, so I deserve my ppm" etc etc.

    I think it's impossible to get a fair system by looking at kills or medpack amount. This is why I propose looking at exp points. It's the easiest to follow and count and doesn't even need a video, just 2 screenshots.

    So, my idea: look at a players xp before and after a map (take SS, if needed). Look at total xp gained during that round and medic/fops/covert xp gained. If a player gets for example 1000 xp in 30 mins and 800 of that is med/fops/cov, they're whoring. Even 300/1000 is probably whoring. That's why a set percentage is needed.

    I propose: If during a map (over 10 minutes), 40% or more xp of a player in the Top 30 comes from medic/fops/covert, that player is whoring and that player's rating is reset to 20.00. Screenshots of xp before and after map are necessary.

    I propose over 10 minutes, because sometimes the map ends so soon that you're "accidentally" whoring. I also propose resetting to 20.00, because going to 0.00 would cause WAY too much whining and complaining and Top 30 will probably always be over 20 rating. And Top 30, because we really don't care about someone who whores himself all the way up to no. 721 on TB.

    I see some complaints incoming from the very few people who can actually get to Top 30 using fops/covert in an honest way, without spamming ammo packs or hogging uniforms. IF there are any people like that, you're probably very rare and maybe admins could make an exception for you after speccing and seeing you're really that good with field/covert ops. But I hope this kind of a problem does not arise.

    Also, if we're only talking about disabling the very Top, there will always be players who "happen" to spec their competition once in a while and will gladly spend time to get someone ahead of them disabled and 1 more rank for them. So that wouldn't be a problem. I don't think any whorers would stay in Top 30 for long and admins don't have to do practically anything - just look at some screenshots that other "real" players in the top send and click "reset". And Top 30 wouldn't be very time-consuming, maybe 1-2 new whores a day.
    Last edited by N3kr0n; 6-12-2010 at 01:03.

  5. #25
    See me, I'm great! Konvict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (HAL)JacKson View Post
    omg ur all so fuckin poor, unbelievable!!! first thing: u all miss the point of the game, if u dont know,remember ,thats a team game- like football or basketball... ur are never that good alone, like u are with ur mates... so the goal of the game actually is to achieve the individual map objectives.... all u selfhealing rambo noob medics do fuck all for the team, u dont heal, dont revieve, dont play teamwhise... so call urself pro, or ska or whatever... ur all just ego rate whores, so in fact ur whores aswell... and no wonder et is a dying game... with all u retards trying to be the one and only, the first, the best on sl or tb!!! no teamwork no fun, and no winning aswell! easy! second thing is: there are ppl playing just for fun, they are not that skilled like some otheres unemployed poor cunts, calling themselves heros or shit, but they have the same right to play and have fun llike everyone else... whatever.. just think about it... oh and sorry for bad language but u make me realy angry with ur antiwhore-system, u people actually got a life???

    LolI dude look at you.. YOu are the poor one, you fail has a fragger, so in your pathetic little mind u need a consolation.. Lets flame the Fraggers, Nerds, Rating ones... You whant team Play?? There are active Et pro Leagues prove yourself there then? Rating = Fragging. So you want a Rating system based on Objective making?? Great, build One, make a site and enjoy urself doing objective. You sir are pathetic flaming on those that make the rating system possible. And all of this coming from a clan that in the past where one of the top whorers to get their rating.. No wonder if they are all has skilled has your ass i would too. But we humans as a failure have to flame something if we cant archieve something.. So i understand you..

  6. #26
    Here I am! .nm's Avatar
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    hey there paul, with the stuff you want to do against these rating whores you are not alone, but it seems we both have a different approach to it, and now that i finally got my lazy arse up and set up an own homeserver, and with the help of this great site (man that server add function to instantly let your server get tracked is awsome), i can finally say for sure, that there will be a ratingmode upcoming. With this you will finally all be satisfied and never ever have to watch demos or anything else like that, because the way you try to discuss this now is not the good one imo. First needless insults everywhere, second not really bringing anything to the topic. When i played for rating i can remember, i was also very annoyed of people gaining even a better rate than me, who earned his rate with frags, than someone who gained it with constantly throwing ammo/medpacks at his teammates. I mean its ok, he can do so, but rating imo should only be frags. And this is all said beside you think one should play for rating or not.

    You can now flame yourselfes again


    P.S. Paul maybe add me msn or stuff, or just come to the slut forums, so that we can talk some random stuff Looking forward
    Last edited by .nm; 6-12-2010 at 07:34.

  7. #27
    lol! whatever konvict. u dont understand shit!
    Last edited by (HAL)JacKson; 6-12-2010 at 10:47.

  8. #28
    Here I am! eaGle's Avatar
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    I like your ideas Nekron.


    if someone here doesnt understand a shit, its you. We all know that this rating system is made for fraggers who want to get nice ranks, its just a fact that u cant rate with teamplaying, expect by throwing the med/ammo packs or stealing uniforms <-- But then people judges as xpwhorer and its kind a hard to explain that "it was just teamplaying".


    But these which do their rate by fragging, usually dont care about team (like heal or giving ammo), its just what i cant stand. I know that mod for teamplaying is ETpro, but still it would more better if all could just do these teamplaying things more usually, than just playing by own and care a shit about rest.

    But im glad about that most of the fraggers also help team, but there is also these guys who just run across you, but u cant do nothing for it, just have to live with it.

    And usually these "pro's" just join team where is better players, and then when people are saying "even teams?", these guys cant just join losing team. ---> just because they want better rate! They should give also rating change for others.

    I have nothing against fraggers, most of them are good guys.

    But whorers... they just ruin fraggers rate by just throwing ammo packs. Something must be done to stop whoring, thats why i must say that Nekron's ideas are best at this topic atm.


  9. #29
    Spamming the boards! VS|wArRi0r's Avatar
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    So if i understand you guys.. If i see a player low HP and I'm medic... I should not give him med packs because then i am whoring? xP

  10. #30
    Here I am! N3kr0n's Avatar
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    No, VS|wArRi0r, this action by itself is certainly not considered whoring, but good team play. However, if it's done by a top rating player and medic xp makes up a very large part of his PPM, then it's called whoring. The point is that it's impossible to get 500+ medic xp per round by just being a team player and healing those who need help. To get that much xp, special "whoring" techniques are needed. That's whoring.

    And thanks Jackson and eaGle. Right now, I don't see any big flaws with my method. But maybe .nm has a better idea.

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