Hello everyone,

The PartyCafe, or **PC**, is a clan looking for fun players, from all around the world!
Our TB page : http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=claninfo&cidx=113
Our Homepage : http://pczen.fliquid.com

IP of our NoQuarter server:

Our rules are easy! Just have FUN!
1 - Respect each other.
2 - No name calling.
3 - No racist remarks whatsoever.
4 - No team killing or bleeding.
5 - No spawn kill, maybe on non-permanent spawns like Flags.
6 - No double jumping to skip objectives.
7 - Listen to the server Admins.
8 - All languages allowed.

In our map rotations we have maps such as Braundorf Final, Fueldump, Warbell, Caen 2, SW Goldrush TE, V2 Factory... A fine mix of original and custom!
We've also fun cusomizations, like Comic Bombs and Chicken Grenades!


For contact e-mail me at mister_mateos@hotmail.fr
We hope to see you soon!