So this is just a general topic in regards to IPB - Invision Power Board and VB - VBulletin.

Recently I have been wondering which out of the two is better and why? Now previously over the years of making websites or forums I had been using systems such as PhpNuke/Evolution and PHPBB3 with some one or two SMF/IPB forums for some small sports clubs/teams etc.
Since starting up BoB or restarting BoB as some may remember the clan from before. I had installed the latest IPB software and setup a clan forum, now lately I have been checking out VB and reading through some useful forums/sites in regards to views or opinions etc in regards to it.
I would like to know what you guys think of the two, what is good or bad, what is better or worse and also I would like the opinions from TB staff/admins here since this forum software is VB.