Hey all!!

Recently have been trying to make an Australian Flag pk.3 for NQ1.2.9!

So far have been able to get the allies_win_flag to be Australian and looks great, see xfire vid:


But cant seem to get the cp or construction boxes to be Australian!!

I tried putting the the images in the following directories, this procedure seems to work for Axis but not Allies. If I open the NQ1.2.9_6pk.3 Axis is done in this format but no mention of Allies any where!! I named the images as per axis, substituting allies for axis where appropriate i.e. allies_sign.tga for cp flag and allies_crates.tga for construction boxes, tho I guess it could be usa not allies! All images are the same size and format as working axis flags.

Im fairly new to this but are keen to make Allies Australian!! So any help muchly appreciated,
