We had that issue on our server, what helped us was to add this cmd:

command = kickbots
exec = bot minbots -1; bot maxbots -1; bot kickall
desc = Cleans server from bots.
levels = 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

This clears the minbot and maxbot count you have in your .cfg. Then you can use !addbot command:

command = addbot
exec = bot addbot [1] [2] [3]
desc = Adds bot to game. Syntax: !addbot <team> <class> <name>. Don't use whitespaces in <name>.
levels = 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

If you dont like a bot you can !put it to spec and as the min and maxbot is set to neutral another will not join in its place until you !addbot 2 3 (allies engy).

Its more about understanding how the bots think!!

Hope this helps,