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  1. #1
    Made his way Phi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    United Kingdom

    PB Causing stutter

    Punkbuster is causing an extremely annoying stutter in ET at the moment. After a consistent interval the game will freeze for a fraction of a second. This interval seems to be decided by pb_sleep. Setting pb_sleep to 500 increases the interval and reduces the number of stutters in any given period of time but it does not remove it. Does anybody have any ideas on how to stop the stutter completely?

  2. #2
    Spamming the boards! Jemstar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    PB has always caused this, since they no longer support ET turn it off is my only suggestion.

    Although Spl@sh posted this on his clan's website that I found useful when we ran PB:


  3. #3
    TB Staff Spl@$h~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    New Zealand
    oh i'll put it here then ppl dont have to suscribe.It's old stuff ..

    There are some settings that I have come across from Evenbalance that
    really helped me out. I'll give you guys my thoughts to hopefully
    reduce any lag issues you have. Please read the ENTIRE paragraph after
    the command so you know when you need to put it in and why you might
    need to use it in the first place.

    For all of these commands you will need to bring down your console by
    pressing '~' key which is just to the LEFT of the number 1 at the top
    of the keyboard (NOT THE KEYPAD ON THE RIGHT) All commands are to be
    entered without quotes.

    Also, ALL commands starting with the letters PB MUST be entered manually every time you close out ET and re-open it.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________

    1) "/pb_lan 1" - Changing /pb_lan to 1 will make PB behave as though it
    is not connected to the server. This will reduce the amount of data you
    need to send between you and the server. This command works perfectly
    fine of course unless PB does find a hack on your system in which case
    it will ignore this command and report you for the trash you are.
    WARNING: Changing Pb_lan to 1 will NOT allow you to connect to a
    server, you must first connect, then set pb_lan to 1 (it resets to 0
    after exiting the game)

    2) "/pb_sleep 500" - Changing PB sleep to 500 may be redundant to the
    first command, has to do with how long PB will rest before sending
    data, I always put it in for any chance at yet another possible
    performance gain. (Resets to default after exiting the game)

    Now, if you have an issue where on PB servers you have a distinct chop
    every 30 seconds or 1 minute (But always in an even increment) I would
    try this next command.

    4) "/pb_system 0" - This command will change the way PB scans your
    memory. It was put in place to fix program compatibility issues, but
    fixed my lag (Which I believe to be a conflict with my Anti-Spyware -
    Spysweeper OR Ewido) WARNING: This setting MUST be set BEFORE joining a
    server, However once set you DO NOT have to enter it every single time
    - It will retain itself unlike the other listed PB commands

    Lastly... for any of you with 'Dual Core' Processors - ET is most
    definitely NOT multi-threaded. Therefore, it cannot utilize both of
    your "logical CPU's" at the same time. Because of this, I recommend
    moving ET to the CPU windows is NOT using for a MASSIVE increase in FPS
    (or at least on my machine running a Pentium D 820 - which is not an
    impressive dual core)

    You can do this very easily, once you have the game open press "Alt +
    Ctrl + Del" at the same time to bring up your task manager, right click
    on "ET.exe" and choose "Set Affinity" make sure "CPU 0" is NOT checked
    and make sure to put a check in "CPU 1" Windows will be running on the
    lowest number processor (usually 0) and therefore you'll now give ET a
    full CPU (in my case of 2.8 GHz dedicated)

    I hope this helps some of you, but I do not certify that it will. I
    encourage you to read what each command does and what it effects. I use
    all of those commands and they solved massive lag problems I was having
    in ANY PB server, not just NQ. Since NQ is always running PB these
    commands apply directly. Thanks for reading, enjoy your games everyone!
    Not part of trackbase team anymore.
    Please do not report/contact me anymore about trackbase issues.

    Contact : Jonny , Jari or Paul

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