Well, this is not like my previous Nordwind 2 a total remake, but just a big bug fix and features addition release, as you can see by reading the changelog below. I like this map, like few others from the 1944 series, but I’m not going to do this for all
’ I played Antwerp a while ago, I feel it deserves something to balance the Sniper Fest of the second part of the map, plus usual 1944 spawn issues, but maybe something in the future but not now.
PART I - 1944 Huertgen Forest (Final 2)
1944: Huertgen Forest was thickly wooded, cut by steep defiles and trails. The Axis built deep, artillery-proof bunkers, surrounded by fighting positions.
AXIS - The Allies are attempting to steal valuable supplies from the Axis Truckyard, stop them at all costs!
ALLIES - The Axis Truckyard contains valuable supplies. We must secure them to claim victory in the Forest!
Further development
> Final 2
- General
* Added Locations file.
* Advanced Light compilation.
* Terrain has smoothed shadows now.
* Every custom texture has a shader now.
* No more "holes" in the middle of the map.
* Some Clip added on map sides to avoid any stuckage.
* Fixed players possibly stuck when exiting the Wooden Bunker MG.
* Wooden barrier near Axis Bunker Spawn isn't weapon-clipped anymore.
* Sun appears correctly now. Shader was textures/1944_beach/beach_sun...
* Fixed spawns (Flags on Command Map, and players spawning inside the crates).
* Corrected the map coordonates, even if it's obvious the CM is older than the actual map...
* Added a ladder near solid Bridge so people doesn't need to swim and get hurt to exit this area.
* Replaced triangles probably cut with CSG Substrast by normal triangles, for easier brush manipulation.
* Removed unused textures, all are now in a single folder different from original map to avoid any conflict.
* The "map exists", where you steal the Tank and the Truck, have been decored with Fuel Dump entrance door (Allied Spawn).
* Since the map was made from EasyGen (terrain0, etc), I used SimonOC tutorials about terrain blending to obtain the same
without any .PCX file (Link at the bottom); But I had to deal with few locations where 3 textures were meeting.
- Objective Narrative & Mecanisms
* Added Objective/Spawn cameras.
* Fixed contruction crates and AT-Gun clips.
* Added Axis Ammo Room icon on Command Map for Allies.
* Added Axis North Path icon on Command Map for Allies.
* Added Truckyard Gate icon on Command Map for both teams.
* Added decayed final part for Axis North Path, so after a while the construction will disappear...
* The AT-Gun, while destroyed, will now emit smoke; Very noticeable in distance, letting Allies know when the way is free.
* Added Artillery Blast Area icon on Command Map for both teams, so Allies know where it triggers and Axis when to use it.
- Tank & Truck Related Stuff
* Added Truck Smoke.
* If by any chance an Allied guy get inside the Truck area before Tank blow up the gate,
the Truck is no more escortable until the gate explodes.
* Clip above Truck area removed; Axis can destroy the Truck when they want.
* Added Tank turret animation (Turning + Shooting + trigger_hurt on trajectory).
* Fixed Truck position decay on map start, avoiding any teleporting'n'killing issue.
* No more "You are near the Truck" on the hill left from the Truck, moved away the related entity.
* Tank and Truck will stop often, since more splines have been added, and spline controls (+33 for Tank, +X for Truck).
- Optimization
* Caulked more surfaces.
* Added Hint/Skip (There were nothing in original).
* Put a lot of Caulk structural brushes inside the mountains and hills, and removed the visible ones.
* Base, sky and sides were made of plenty caulk brushes... Everything is plane now, a lot less brushes.
* Optimized T-Junctions (Thanks ailmanki for the link, and Ifurita for the tutorial, see link at the bottom).
All credits goes to +KOMMANDO+, the maker of the 1944 Wolfenstein Enemy Territory awesome map series, even if they're all bugged the level design and the objective are various and well placed.
Thank you to all the SD users and the friends who have helped me so far, dFx, Tardis, KeMon+, ailmanki, Rebel, Genert (Or Indloon, whatever
), acQu (For you I can’t remember the previous nick… But I know you changed! x)) and all others not quoted here but present in the text file, both included in ZIP and PK3 files ![Smile](images/smilies/smile.jpg)
If you spot any bug/glitch/exploit, if you're unhappy with a change or several I made, just post feedback here, it will be very welcome!
I'm planning to do a remake... If you're interested, you can find details about it on Splash Damage forums:
Feel free to comment or criticize