I ordered a somewhat higher end VPS (I think, I usually get dedicated servers), because the dedi we run our 30cal servers on is payed for by grnwng not me so I can't really be using it for my personal projects.

What the idea of what I'll be doing is basically a community based on gaming. This has no relation to NA-Center, don't get it confused like many people did with my etpub tournament (yes lol lol etpub). And this one is going to be for multiple games, not just the goal of bringing ET back to life and bringing players from other mods to play competition.

I've decided to make it based on gaming so it will have a more of a dedication to something specific, as that would appeal more to the users. However, since I do have SOME knowledge in other things like lua, php, mysql, linux, freebsd, windows, hardware, css, html, metin2 client/server related stuff and other junk.. there will be some categories for this as well. I also plan to run a toplist on the server if not right away then sometime in the future. Example of a toplist for those who don't know: http://www.gtop100.com/

I also know some programmers who once said they would do this (not sure if still interested), but if they have the time they will also join up to help contribute. Also have some people with experience in image editing. I also know several people from my multiple MSN accounts, xfire account, my skype accounts, my youtube account with 40K views and about 100 subs and several friends, and two of my facebooks with about 1000 combined "likes".

Other than that I'll probably rent out some servers for VOIP, and possibly games like ET and minecraft.. and some others maybe. I have a panel I can install similar to WHCMS but free and open-source. For now I have enough RAM on the vps for multiple websites with decent amount of mysql queries and all that, will upgrade as necessary. Will also get a dedicated from same host 30cal uses in the future (if all goes well) to be serving most of those servers I mentioned off. If this expands to Europe as well, I'll most likely use OVH.

Right now I'm in the process of deciding for a name to use so I can purchase a domain name. So if anyone has suggestions your welcome to leave them here, whether for the domain name or the operation itself.

Now to get to the point, I'd like some mature responsible people to join me if you are interested in contributing something (no that doesn't mean money, it means knowledge). I know some people here may have some knowledge of certain things, this would be a place for you to hangout and answer questions and make tutorials and maybe sell services to the users. This forum won't be serving any illegal activities like hosting warez or anything, going to keep this legit (of course posting a link to a torrent tracker or ".torrent" file is allowed since ".torrent" sharing is not copyright infringement). People won't be permitted to go on and flame like on NA-Center or any et server out there. When I do something like this I like doing it the right way, when you see me in an et server it's just a video game and I lack care to be honest. This would be more of a community to hangout and discuss things, offer help, ask for help, release files, art, audio, video and software (which aren't infringing copyright). You can of course post links to your YouTube videos which happen to contain a song or something that YouTube may in the future call infringement, we all know how YouTube is, and this stuff isn't hosted on our server and it's a pretty common thing. When I say join me I do mean either by becoming one of the staff or just a contributor, like some sort of higher ranked member or VIP person who helps out . I only ask, if you can't get along with me, to not even consider this. If this is to be done right I need proper communication between the staff members and polite conversations, not flame wars and conflicts. Why do I care so much about infringement? I don't, but obviously my hoster does and I don't want to get shut down for breaking the AUP.

For the geeks and the people like me who know stuff but aren't geeks :
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And if you wanted to talk on xfire: etsnotdead