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  1. #1
    TB Staff Mateos's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Smile [MAP] 1944 Nordwind 2.0 released


    I finally sorted this afternoon the Omni-Bot 0.8x waypoints, and I'm glad to release publicly the project I'm working on for almost 2 years, from my first steps in mapping to now

    1944 Nordwind 2

    The Axis are launching a surprise attack on allied forces. They are using a Jagdpanther to open the Truckyard Wall to allow an escape with the Allied gold!

     Further development
    > First Playable 4
    	* Fixed flying stuff.
    	* The fire hurts... yes.
    	* Removed useless shaders.
    	* Cleared existing shaders.
    	* Converted few TGA to JPG.
    	* Added smoke above house fire.
    	* Added shaders for all new textures.
    	* Fixed few non-working announcements.
    	* Added Gold related events announcements (Taken/Lost/Returned/Secured).
    	* brambles_2 is no more duplicated (brambles.md3 & brambles_6.md3), edited the MD3 so it points to textures/1944_nordwind/.
    > First Playable 3
    - General
    	* Added Axis Win animation.
    	* Added various ambient sounds.
    	* Added few big bushes for gameplay.
    	* Added a new Command Map (Thanks Tardis!).
    	* Lanterns and lights are now solid, making metal sound while shot.
    	* Added some details, such as decals (Paper, bushes on walls, leakings).
    	* Added the locations file, adapted from antman's 1944 Nordwind locations file.
    	* Added Truckyard icon on the Command Map (Thanks IndyJones for the tutorial), as well as a Tank Hint on it and debris.
    	* Lightmaps are 512x512 now.
    	* Revised shaders quite a lot.
    	* Fuel dumps provide the fuel for poels.
    	* All buildings receive electricity from cables now.
    	* Tweaked some textures so they make better shadows.
    	* Removed the ambient lighting from Worldspawn, reworked lighting by the way.
    	* Truckyard door is again Covert-protected, and the related room totally remade.
    	* Replaced brushworked ramps by cylinders (Auto Phong Shading), and clipped them.
    	* Players can't be stuck in windows or on buildings, some Clip added on these locations.
    	* Disabled the first Allied spawn when Truck past the barrier to be sure no one spawn there, even new players joining.
    	* Tweaked the .PCX so the Foliage is better reparted on the grass texture around the road and mountains...
    	* ... But finally removed the Foliage shader and placed manually models like in original one, some to avoid spawnkill, some for quality.
    - Objective Narrative & Mecanisms
    	* Removed the Cracked Wall.
    	* All events have wm_announce for bots easy scripting.
    	* Reorganized the ojective narrative, based on Gold Rush objdata file.
    	* The Allied Team Door of the Truckyard turns into normal door when Tank has destroyed the Gate.
    	* Added the Warehouse Gate icon on Command Map for Allies, so they know if it is destroyed or not.
    	* Made and added VO sounds for both teams to help following the objective. Used one or two from other maps
    	  (Radar Summer VO for Tank Damaged for example), most of them are done with default VO edited with Audacity.
    	* First Truck Barrier materials will appear during 5 seconds at the underconstruction state, so if somebody is there when
    	  Tank has past it, he will notice something will happen very soon to him, and he have time to move out before the thing happens.
    - Tank & Truck Related Stuff
    	* Fixed Tank Build position.
    	* Added Tank turret animation.
    	* Added a second Truck Barrier.
    	* Objective 2 cameras follow the Tank.
    	* Objective 4 cameras follow the Truck.
    	* Added some trigger_hurt from Tank cannon to Truckyard Gate, and around Truckyard Gate itself.
    	* Added a Tank Barrier, barrier itself and materials can be used by both teams in a way or an other ;)
    	* Tank breaks a wooden barrier near the Warehouse Gate while turning, for realism, like walls in Gold Rush.
    	* Tank and Truck will stop often, since more splines have been added, and spline controls (+14 for Tank, +35 for Truck).
    - Optimization
    	* Caulked more surfaces.
    	* Reduced Tiny Portals (51/72 -> 49/70).
    	* Added some more Hint/Skip brushs.
    	* Optimized T-Junctions (Thanks ailmanki for the link, and Ifurita for the tutorial, see link at the bottom).
    	* Put a lot of Caulk structural brushes inside the mountains and hills: two times less portals, quick -VIS, more FPS.
    > First Playable 2
    - Fixes
    	* Sky can be seen through windows now.
    	* The ice pond is now solid, and slicks.
    	* Fixed solid and build decays on the Tank.
    	* Fixed/Added some texture and model shaders.
    	* Fixed the custom generator skin not appearing with MD3 Viewer.
    	* Fixed Warehouse Gate dynamite icon not disapearing while destroyed.
    	* Fixed Warehouse Spawn not appearing (Forgot to edit the team_WOLF_objective in the script), and the possibility to move on.
    - General
    	* Retextured the terrain, so the snow_dirt fits the road.
    	* Truck Barrier buildable on map start fixed, and is available earlier.
    	* Roofs makes clanky foot steps noise, some textures make gravel noise.
    	* Modified the ammo/health house near the Truck Barrier: Axis can no longer shoot from it to Allied Spawn;
    	  Moved the back entrance to the left and replaced it by a non-breakable window: Axis can see Allies but can't shoot them.
    - Optimization
    	* Filled buildings with some Structural Caulk brushs to reduce the amount of portals generated.
    	* Turned some objects into Detail brushes, cut with Clipper Tool many more.
    - Additions
    	* Added a tapir.
    	* Added foliage (Shader + Manual placement) and trees.
    	* Added some stuff around the map (Trucks, crates, ...).
    	* Added a quick access to the top of the Tank Depot for Allies (New stairs).
    	* Added the road for the Jagdpanther and Truck, using same textures as original map.
    	* Added Clip brushes under tables and other objects, and behind Tank Depot, to avoid stuckage.
    	* Added platforms and doors arount dumps for gameplay and realism (3 dumps, no access to have safety check?).
    - Tests
    	* Bumpmapped textures (Failed).
    	* _lightmapscale 0.125 or 0.01 on some surfaces.
    	* Added a test Hint brush in Axis Spawn, and few others.
    	* Restored the original skybox, it seems to give the map a better atmosphere, with the Wurzburg Radar shader.
    > First Playable 1
    - General
    	* Removed some Sky brushes in the middle of the map.
    	* Smoothed hills, made some ones climbable.
    	* Added some terrain modifications, like retexturing and new mountains.
    	* Fixed spawn flags on Command Map, and some other icons.
    	* Max players height is limited by a Clip brush to avoid trickjump.
    - Tank
    	* Fixed sound.
    	* Fixed animations (STill need to add turret rotation and Tank firing).
    	* Smoothed rotations.
    - Truck
    	* Fixed Truck running through the Truckyard Gate. It will wait for the Tank.
    	* Added smoke while damaged.
    - Axis Spawn
    	* Axis are no longer spawning out of the building to avoid spawnkilling.
    	* Increased interior size.
    	* Added up to 32 spawn points.
    	* Enlarged the two existing exits to let 2 players exit at once, to avoid play block
    	* Added a third exit.
    - Barn
    	* Increased a lot it's size, and added some lighting inside.
    	* Added an access to health and ammo cabs by a ladder.
    	* Opened the house to let players get in. It has destructible windows.
    	* Added a spawn for Allied team, available when the Truck past the Truck Barrier.
    	* Roofs are slicked.
    - Tank Depot
    	* The Neutral Command Post has been changed to an Allied Command Post.
    	* Increased the size of the Allied Spawn.
    	* Openings are now windowed, non-destructible.
    	* Enlarges the exit, put a double-Allied door, both doors open at once, and is Covert-Op protected.
    - Allied Spawn
    	* Increased a lot its size, by 3.
    	* Added some interior models and tables.
    	* Added up to 32 spawn points.
    	* Windows added, also non-breakable.
    	* Added a tree in the front, to avoid spawnkill: Allies can exit safely their spawn.
    - Warehouse
    	* Increased a lot the spawn area.
    	* Lighted some rooms.
    	* Opened new room, with an Axis Command Post, commanding the Warehouse Spawn for Axis.
    	* Added up to 32 spawn points.
    	* Added a Cracked Wall objective for Allies, for a quick access to Axis Command Post.
    	  Beware: Axis will have a sneaky way while opened also...
    - Truckyard
    	* Players no longer can trickjump Truckyard: they get hurt by barrier, and if they jump they're more injured...
    	* Improved lighting.
    	* Retextured the inside.
    	* Added RaybanB and Avoc waving grass just in thsi area for now.
    	* Gold Bars stealing will be announced correctly now.
    	* Roofs are slicked.
    	* Door is Covert-Op protected, will remove it in next version, since Truck bug is fixed.
    - Allied Front Bunker
    	* Made it accessible.
    	* Protected by an Allied Door only, Covert-Op protected.
    - Truck Barrier Materials
    	* No longer buildable on map start, Tank runs through it.
    	* Appears when Tank past it.
    	* It has now a Blue Flag.
    All credits goes to +KOMMANDO+, the maker of the 1944 Wolfenstein Enemy Territory awesome map series, even if they're all bugged the level design and the objective are various and well placed.

    Thank you to all the SD users and the friends who have helped me so far, dFx, Tardis, KeMon+, ailmanki, Rebel, and all others not quoted here but present in the text file, both included in ZIP and PK3 files

    If you spot any bug/glitch/exploit, if you're unhappy with a change or several I made, if you still find it non-equilibrated, just post feedback here, it will be very welcome!

    Last edited by JoNny; 23-05-2012 at 13:05.

  2. #2
    Manager JoNny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Nice that you've made a new version out of it

    Check for more details like the readme file&download link but also check some map images
    Thanks to Mateos for the new map

  3. #3
    TB Staff Mateos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Thank you for the map profile!

  4. #4
    Spamming the boards! relic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    will add map to rotation as we always do with new maps to honor the map makers putting down the time for our enjoyment..

  5. #5
    Spamming the boards! Dookie's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    #AxE Clan
    gj mateos

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