I want to promote our NoDownload server, its with the latest Jaymod

People are beeing awarded with lvl's depending on their XP's, server is setup so it Automatic give people the level when they reach the required Amount of XP, with each level the player will gain some extra !funcmds

We are Recruiting new members to help get this server populated and proper admined.


Server Name: *=QGC=* NoDownload XPS
ET Version: 2.55+ Multipatch
Mod: Jaymod 2.2.0 with Enhanced Mod 1.0.9e and Enhanced Hud
Gametype: 2 aka Objective
Slots: 36
12 , they'll leave when ppl connects to teams, bots skillevel = 3
TBS Tracking: Yes
Punkbuster: Yes
Doublejump: On
Friendly Fire: Off

  1. Spawnkilling with light Weapon Allowed
  2. Cheating not Allowed
  3. Selfkill Allowed
  4. Preferably English only in Mainchat, just a guideline
  5. Trickjumping Allowed, just means defenders have to be aware of that to

Maps in Rotation:

  • Goldrush
  • Oasis
  • Radar
  • Railgun - Axis can spawn in Tower
  • Fueldump - Allied can spawn at CP
  • Battery - blowable backdoor