I want to promote our newest server, its with the newest ETPub that automatic creates an etkey if you dont have any.
We are Recruiting new members to help get this server populated and proper admined.
Contact: http://et.qubenet.net
Server Name: *=QGC=* ETPub FUN XPS
ET Version: 2.55+ Multipatch
Mod: ETPub 1.0.0
Gametype: 6 aka Mapvoting - only 12 maps at the time in votelist and 6 maps played before map played can return to votelist
Slots: 30
Bots: 2 and thats just for the first guy on server to have somthing to shot at, they'll leave when 2 ppl are on server
TBS Tracking: Not Yet, I have asked Paul to ad it, and server has a private slot for it
Punkbuster: No
Doublejump: No
Friendly Fire: On
- Spawnkilling Allowed
- Cheating not Allowed
- Selfkill Allowed (but selfkilling infight will only give xp to opponent and ppl will be shown as chickens on banners )
- Preferably English only in Mainchat, just a guideline
- Trickjumping Allowed, just means defenders have to be aware of that to
Maps in Rotation:
- Goldrush
- Supplydepot 2
- Oasis
- Caen 2
- Radar
- Adlernest
- Snatch 3
- Battery - blowable backdoor
Maps to Vote for:
- Venice NE4
- 2tanks
- Italy fp2
- sos secret weapon
- UJE 000
- Warbell
- ET Beach
- Lighthouse
- Pirates
- ET Mor2 night final
- Baserace - is loaded with Panzerwar and doublejump, low grav and high speed
- Bremen final
- missile b3
- steelplant2
- frostbite
- braundorf final
- reactor final
- tc base
- sp delivery te
- erdenberg
- el kef final
- fueldump
- Industry 2