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  1. #1
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Wolf-ET4ALL Community

    Qubenet Gaming Community -=QGC=- Looking for Clans

    The Community
    Qubenet Clan has after some considerations and thoughts decided to form a Community.

    The Community will work as a Head Administration and have as most important job these functions:
    - Sort disagreements that hopefully wont happen between Clans
    - Run the Website --> http:/
    - and maybe organize fun events between the clans like fun wars or other stuff

    Members of the Community will be Leaders of the Clans involved and maybe 1 Co-Leader from each Clan

    The Community can atm offer
    - Teamspeak Server with private rooms for the clans if they wants, and rooms for each server we run
    - Website where all Clans will get 2 private forums, (admins + Clanmembers) and lots of public rooms and features.
    - W:ET Servers in these 4 Mods - NoQuarter 1.2.9 - Silent Mod 0.5.0 - Jaymod 2.2.0 + EnhMod 1.0.9e - ETPro Mod 3.2.6 with Tzac
    - All servers are reporting to the new "masterserver" and the old
    - Servers have 1 private slot to have them added to Paul's new rating System

    What are we Looking for?
    We are Looking for good and active clans that will take part of this, atm we are Looking for up to 12 Clans. Preferably 3 Clans for each server and with prefered Mod on it, so the Clans must decide which Mod they want to play on, as that Mod will be on the Server theyll have to Use, if More than 3 Clans wants the same Mod, then we either change Mod on 1 of the other servers or we open a new server..

    Do you need to do somthing?
    Every Clan that are interested has to make a formal request on our Website with the descriptions of your Clan, like when it was formed, how many members and the prefered choice of ET-Server Mod.

    If the Clans is beeing accepted into Community they will be assigned to that Server from our list that they prefer, and they will have to start playing on that server, Clans going inactive will be removed again. if the Clan has own servers they should close them next time they are up for payment. (if you wants it you can send the file where ppls xp are saved and i can ad that to the Community server you choose.

    Admin System on servers
    To keep this Simple there will be Following Admin lvls on each server:
    Server Owner -> For Me so I can maintain the Servers
    ServerLeader -> Clan leaders
    Co Leader -> Clan Co-Leaders
    Admin -> Clanplayers Experienced with adminning
    Clanmember -> Clanplayers

    And there will be some pub-levels with fun !commands added

    Every ClanLeader will have to sort levels of his own Clan and will also be responsible if any of his clanmembers abuse the commands

    The Clan will only get admin levels on the server they choose on the other servers they will get a protected level as a Community Member, Only exception from that is members of Qubenet Clan they will have Admins on all servers, but dont worry they wont use or abuse it.

    Here is what you have to do to be a part of this
    To be a part of this Community Your Clan will have to meet the following requirements and do following:
    - You should atleast have 8 Active Members
    - You have to be active on the server
    - You have to register and be active on the -=QGC=- Website, as anything serverrelated will be dealt with there
    - If you have own ET Servers they either has to be passworded or you have to shut them down.
    - if you have a website, then provide the link so I can get that added onto the -=QGC=- Website

    Whats the benefit for you?
    - You will be part of a Community with more members to interact with
    - You will have a free homeserver after your choice where you can recruit from
    - you will have a free Teamspeak Server with private rooms for you
    - You will get private rooms on the website with links to your own forum

    How do I leave the Community?
    - You Announces that you wont stay and then we say goodbye
    - You and your clan becomes inactive, in that case The Community will give a reasonable timeframe for you to get active again, if that dosent happen you will be removed from Community
    - Your clanmembers gets caught in cheating and you dont take the proper actions to prevent that happening again, that will cause a removal from Community

    When will -=QGC=- Become a reality?
    It depends on how this offer is beeing taken from you guys
    as soon as we have 2 active clans interested in the same server or rather a server with the same Mod, and we can get it worked out, that server will be renamed to a -=QGC=- Server and Community has started on that server, same with the other servers, but if we dont get any interest, well then it wont start, Il use the time to make it happen, when there is an actual reason to do it

    Ok that was it

    Last edited by Patriot; 13-02-2012 at 11:52.

  2. #2
    Manager JoNny's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    well. good luck and hope some clans will find the way to your forum
    offer sounds pretty nice!

  3. #3
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Wolf-ET4ALL Community
    Further Info:
    Here are the Answers to a few Quetsions Ive been asked

    Q: Do we need to change our name and tags?
    A: No, Your clan will stay with same name and Tag as Always, we in Qubenet will do the same, we just rename the servers to -=QGC=- somthing to show that its a community server, wouldnt be good with Qubenet in name imo.

    Q: Why do we have to stop our server?
    A: Well to make sure we all play on the same place, also to avoid some problems with people recruiting and then sending new members to another clanserver, so either it has to be stopped or passworded.

    Q: What does this cost?
    A: Nothing

    Q: Why do we have to register on your forum?
    A: Well all talk about servers will be taken on our forum, so problems or suggestions simply has to be taken there, also its free to register so cant see the problem there.

    Q: How do we apply for membership of Community?
    A: Simple, make a post on our forum in "Introduce Yourself" say who you are, with link to your forum etc, fille in a few details like how many members, what mod you prefer, etc etc

    ok thats it if you need further info catch me on xfire patriotqube

    laters Patriot

  4. #4
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Here the first Clan that has decided for sure --> and thats Qubenet ofc

  5. #5
    Manager JoNny's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    / well no clan want to do it with you? lol.
    that's a really nice offer. clans without any server can go there and decide to get rights on the server.
    patriot wants ppl getting on server
    if this are clans who wanna be in the community (/'fusion') then you guys can get admin rights for that server, so why don't you do this`?
    it's a good way of maybe getting more members through a full server of clanless players.

    you even do not have to change your tags and i think this is a really nice offer, too.!
    So if i would be Owner of an Clan which has no server and wants to get a server + more members i would go onto that offer and would take it!

    I can understand patriot that many clans are dying because of quitting members, and i don't understand why no one wants to take that chance ...

    Good Luck with it Patriot!


  6. #6
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Wolf-ET4ALL Community
    Well thanks JoNny

    Yeah it seems that this dosent have that big an interest from the ET Community, but we will let the invite stand for some time still

    Imo it would benefit all if we could get 2 or 3 clans to run a server togehter, and make no mistake i do mean that theyll have to decide settings and maps/mod afterall it should be those playing there that decides what server should be like.

    We will decide the first part of servername = *=QGC=* But rest of name is also open.

    Anyway ive had some ppl show some interest, but its important that its the right ppl, we in Qubenet has been around as an et clan since 2004 and we played as friends togehter before that, many of us from back then are still around, so many of us are old ages that just wanna give what we can to community ( I myself are 49), its not like we wants to be a major player or somthing, we just wanna make sure that when we wants to play, that there are some nice places we can play, preferably with friends, and those friends dosent have to be qubes, any friend is good, and if we all could get a laugh going on ts, well that would just be the best

    Again if some thinks there are no future in our offer, then i can promise you all, that Qubenet stands by it, the servers we would have to provide for this, wont be stopped again unless no one is left to play there.

    We ourselves loves this game, but as you can understand people in our ages, just have rl stuff going on also, so we cant sit on server 24/7, we just wanna have a place where we can play for fun and preferably without lag.

    Our sponsor has made that possible for more than 7 years and they'll keep doing it, we are the only clan that benefits of their superfast hardware, so our possibilities are big.

    If any clan is thinking about this, then catch me on xfire so we can talk.

  7. #7
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Wolf-ET4ALL Community
    I have started the First Community Server just to show that We do mean this

    Server viewer =
    ET Version = 2.60b
    Mod = NoQuarter 1.2.9
    Slots = 50 Public and 1 private to be used by trackingsystem on Trackbase
    Gametype = Mapvoting
    Maps = A mix of Standard and Custom Maps
    Current Rules:
    - FF OFF
    - Doublejump ON
    - Spawnkilling Allowed
    - Trickjumping Allowed
    This is the first server for this and we need 2 or 3 Clans that will help running it, Clans involved will get same rights on server as Qubenets and same privileges.
    Contactinfo is shown in initial post

  8. #8
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    dont know about others, and how its going for them

    But we had 16 Clan ppl on our NQ Server yesterday evening, 16 ppl playing whole evening and we had exactly 0 pubplayers joining server, 0

    I have never seen that before tbh, our server is reporting to the temp masterlist, but this imo shows that its not enough. question is imo how long we can sit back relaxed and wait for ID, it is their right to do whatever they want with that masterlist. restart again or not.

    My guess is that there are other clans like us that have this problem. so therefor im suggesting yet again that Clanleaders should read this through once again and think about it.

    We have made the first Community Server, we need help populating it, and other clans are welcome to join the community, or welcome to merge with us if thats what they want.


    If you wants to meet us in numbers on the server then join in around 19h00 GMT on Sundays and possible on Wednesdays as thats the days we have decided we wanna play in numbers so we can kill the bots from servers.

  9. #9
    Here I am! s3xt0ys's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    sounds nice

  10. #10
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    Wolf-ET4ALL Community
    Thanks Mate, glad you like the idea

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