EDIT: ok - dont need it anymore...
All accounts can be deleted
bye bye ! (bad <service>)
EDIT: ok - dont need it anymore...
All accounts can be deleted
bye bye ! (bad <service>)
Hi, not sure i understood right but i'll try
Clan name: Veni Vidi Vici
Nickname: |vVv|SNATS> http://et.trackbase.net/user/9926/
Clantag: |vVv|
hi - est comme un "salut ?" si personne ne répond à la poste. Puisque je ne viendrai plus maintenant, je n'ai besoin aussi d'aucun compte ou clan et serveur des inscriptions
Name : Power is Back
TAG : >PiB|
Colortag: ^ ^>^0PiB^ ^|
Link: http://et.trackbase.net/player/4642216/
Name: Illuminati
Tag: Illuminati-
Color: ^0Illuminati^1-
Link: http://et.trackbase.net/player/4642271/
This was ment for the other guys, you just had to reserve your in-game name and everything would be fine.
Sorry but the name must contain the clantag.
The clantag is too short, read the rules (btw if 2 was allowd, we wouldnt make the clan cuz there is already a clan what is called Q'|)
All other clans are created, sorry for the late response.
Name : i LOVE ENEMY territory
Colortag ^1i^8L^2E^dT
pseudo : http://et.trackbase.net/player/4625753/
Nickname: http://et.trackbase.net/player/4651522/
Clantag: #NXG|
Colortags: ^0#^7N^9X^7G^0|