Quote Originally Posted by JoNny View Post
Please supply a PLAYERLINK
A playerlink is valid like http://et.trackbase.net/player/YOURPLAYERID/
Hi JoNny,

I can understand that "so much" information can canfuse you, and also if there first only "Member" Links.
But...if you look under my signature you sure will find a suitable line

But here they are:

http://et.trackbase.net/player/2164/ --> first and Master account: *Headhunter* (This i want hold)
http://et.trackbase.net/player/4595672/ --> right "Clan" Account: [ETG]Headhunter (This i want hold too)
http://et.trackbase.net/player/4109353/ --> wrong written Account: ETG *Headhunter* = can be deleted and "Clan" move to 4595672 pls.
